Wildfires of note

July 26, 2024

Written by Alberta Wildfire | Jul 26, 2024 6:23:17 PM

There are five wildfires of note in the Forest Protection Area of Alberta.

Jasper Wildfire Complex

Wildfires ANP002 and ANP003 are classified as out of control and Parks Canada is reporting the size to be 36,000 ha. The north and south fires both spread towards the Jasper townsite and have merged together.

Cooler temperatures and rain last night led to minimal fire behaviour and spread. This precipitation will likely keep fire behaviour low for the next few days. Crews will take advantage of these conditions to make as much progress possible in suppressing the wildfire and reducing further spread.

Alberta Wildfire is assisting Parks Canada with the Jasper Wildfire Complex by providing firefighters, heavy equipment and a helicopter. For the most up-to-date information on this Complex, visit Parks Canada's website.

The Municipality of Jasper has issued an evacuation order for Jasper National Park. Visit Alberta Emergency Alert for more information.

MCX002 - Cattail Lake Complex 

Wildfires MWF047 and MWF077 and MWF079 are part of the Cattail Lake Complex. All of these wildfires are out of control. They were caused by lightning.

MWF047 is the largest wildfire in this complex and is 106,726 ha in size. This wildfire is approximately 6.8 km northeast of industrial facilities, 53 km northeast Fort McKay and 68 km northeast of Fort McMurray.

MWF077 is 17,814 hectares in size. This wildfire is located approximately 6.7 km south of industrial facilities, 38 km east of Fort McKay and 46 km northeast of Fort McMurray.

MWF079 is located near the Saskatchewan border and is 345 ha in size.

Higher humidity and cloud cover is keeping fire behaviour low on this complex. If weather conditions permit, crews will continue to strengthen containment lines in priority areas with the support of helicopters.

There are over 160 firefighters and support staff, 19 helicopters and seven pieces of heavy equipment working on this complex. An incident management team is overseeing operations.

See the Fort McMurray Forest Area update for more information. 


LCX001 - Kettle River Complex

The Kettle River Complex includes 17 wildfires: LWF101 LWF123, LWF124, LWF126, LWF136, LWF139, LWF140, LWF141, LWF142, LWF143, LWF152, LWF155, LWF156, LWF159, LWF162, LWF164 and LWF168.

LWF136 is now classified as being held at 765 ha in size. It remains approximately 12 km north of the community of Janvier. Minimal fire behaviour was observed yesterday. Construction of the fire guard has been completed. Today, ground crews will work on establishing hose lines inside the fire's perimeter. Helicopters are able to support if necessary.

LWF164 is classified as out of control at 1,400 ha in size. It is located approximately 12km northeast of Conklin along highway 881. Fire behaviour on this wildfire yesterday was also reported to be minimal. The area of the highway impacted by the fire has since been contained. Today, heavy equipment will continue to work on establishing fire guards on the west side of the fire. Firefighters will continue to consolidate hose lines on the dozer guard north of the highway.

LWF141 is classified as under control at 36 ha in size. It is located approximately 3 km north of Chard. Good progress was made on this fire yesterday. A fire guard has now been completed on the southern perimeter of this fire.

LWF152 is classified as out of control at 475 ha in size. It is located approximately 22 km northeast of Conklin and 10 km southeast of Highway 881. This wildfire is being monitored for growth and fire activity.

There are over 150 firefighters and support staff, nine helicopters and 14 pieces of heavy equipment assigned to this complex.

The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo has rescinded it's evacuation alert for the hamlet of Janvier. Visit their website for more information.

Alberta Transportation may may temporarily close Highway 811 due to smoke drift. Visit 511 Alberta for the most up-to date information on road closures.

See the Lac La Biche Forest Area update for more information.

HCX001 - Semo Complex 

Wildfires HWF053, HWF061, HWF081, HWF083, HWF136 and HWF141 are part of the Semo Complex. All of these wildfires are out of control.

HWF061 is the largest wildfire in the complex and is 96,181 ha in size. It is located 8 km northeast of Jon D'or Prairie, 12 km north of Fox Lake and 2.2 km from Highway 58. It was caused by lightning.

HWF136 is 5,469 ha in size. It is located north of highway 58 and approximately 13 km northwest of Garden River.

HWF053 is 709 ha in size and is located directly above HWF061.

Yesterday, helicopters conducted bucketing operations on key areas of the wildfires. Fire activity increased in a few areas of both HWF061 and HWF136 and led to some growth. Heavy equipment continues to work on containment lines overnight while fire activity is more subdued.

Night-vision enabled helicopters conducted bucketing operations on this complex overnight. Night operations will likely continue tonight if conditions permit. Heavy equipment operators completed the extension of the containment line along Highway 58

There are over 300 firefighters and support staff, 15 helicopters and 73 pieces of heavy equipment working on this complex. An incident management team is overseeing operations.

Garden River, John D'or Prairie and Fox Lake are all under an evacuation order. Visit Alberta Emergency Alert for more information.

See the High Level Forest Area update for more information. 

MCX003 - Algar Lake Complex

Wildfires MWF069 and MWF086 and LWF165 make up the Algar Lake Complex. All of these wildfires are out of control.

MWF069 is 17,183 ha in size. This wildfire is located 10 km west of Highway 63 and 40 km southwest of Fort McMurray. Recent rain received has made access to this fire difficult due to it's remote location. Firefighters are on standby to resume operations if conditions improve. Fire behaviour is expected to be minimal today.

MWF086 is 2,251 ha in size. It is located 37 km southwest of Fort McMurray. This wildfire is being monitored for growth and fire activity.

LWF165 is 1,883 hectares in size. It is located 20 km south of Crow Lake. Heavy equipment have completed containment lines on the west side of Highway 63. They will now move to establish containment lines on the portion of the wildfire on the east side of the highway.

There are over 120 firefighters and support staff working on this complex, 13 helicopters and 16 pieces of heavy equipment. An incident management team is overseeing operations.

There are no immediate concerns for travel disruptions to the highway. Visit 511 Alberta for the most up-to date information on road closues.

See the Fort McMurray Forest Area update for more information.

A wildfire of note is determined to be of significant public interest and may pose a threat to public safety, communities or critical infrastructure.

Wildfires of note do not typically include mutual aid wildfires located outside of the Forest Protection Area of Alberta. Alberta Wildfire provides assistance on a mutual aid wildfire but is not the lead agency.

The Forest Protection Area of Alberta is divided into ten forest areas. Find the latest updates for each area or subscribe to receive them in your inbox. 

Calgary Forest Area 

Edson Forest Area 

Fort McMurray Forest Area 

Grande Prairie Forest Area 

High Level Forest Area 

Lac La Biche Forest Area 

Peace River Forest Area 

Rocky Mountain House Forest Area 

Slave Lake Forest Area 

Whitecourt Forest Area