Slave Lake Area Update

Slave Lake Forest Area Wildfire Update May 21st 9:30 pm Extreme Wildfire Danger

Posted on Tue, May 21, 2019


Wildfire danger for Wednesday May 22nd 

The wildfire danger remains EXTREME for the entire Slave Lake Forest Area.

Lighter winds are expected for Wednesday however conditions do remain extremely dry and a fire ignite easily and spread very quickly. 

Firefighters are urging everyone to use caution and report wildfires immediately by calling 310-FIRE or #FIRE on your cell phone.

Click here to view the wildfire danger map for Wednesday May 22nd

Smoky Conditions 


Wildfire Situation as of 9:30 pm May 21st

There were four new wildfires today. Three have been extinguished and one is being held.

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At 7:19 pm this evening a wildfire started 2 kilometres north of Slave Lake on Devonshire Road. Airtankers were successful in knocking down the flames and at 8:30 pm the wildfire was being held. There are 30 firefighters working to extinguish hotspots on this 1.5 hectare wildfire. Smoke may drift low in the area tonight. 

Since March 1st in the Slave Lake Forest Area there have been 62 wildfires and 36,178 hectares burned.

On high alert

Fire lookouts are on high alert constantly watching for smoke and firefighters in helicopters, various pieces of heavy equipment and airtankers are ready to respond to any new wildfires that may start.

Help from other provinces is on the way

Additional firefighters have been requested through mutual aid agreements with Ontario, Nova Scotia and BC. They are expected to arrive in Albert within the next 24 hours.

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Slave Lake Wildfire Number 49 at 11:45 am on May 21st

For the safety of our firefighters please obey reduced speed limits when traveling on Highway 754. Visit for the latest road report. 

McMillan Wildfire Complex 

Slave Lake wildfires number 49 and 50 are north of Highway 754 at kilometre 30 and 43. These wildfires are approximately 40 kilometres southwest of Wabasca, 30 kilometres northeast of Marten Beach and 40 kilometres northeast of Slave Lake. 

There is no threat to communities.

Click here to view the updated map of these wildfires.

Slave Lake Wildfire 49

The wildfire did experience some growth to the northwest with the strong winds today. Helicopters bucketed and airtankers worked on the edges of the wildfire. Firefighters continued to extinguish hotspots and heavy equipment have completed building fire guard around the south end of the wildfire. The wildfire was measured this evening and is 34,300 hectares in size.  

Slave Lake Wildfire 50

Firefighters, aircraft and heavy equipment continue to make good progress fighting this wildfire. It is 100 per cent contained by fire guard and experienced no growth today. Firefighters worked on extinguishing the edges of the wildfire and helicopters were bucketing on hotspots. The wildfire is 1,500 hectares.

Over 120 firefighters,16 helicopters, 32 pieces of heavy equipment and five airtankers and their birddog planes are fighting these wildfires. 

The cause of these wildfires is under investigation.

If you have any questions please call Wildfire Information Officer Leah Lovequist 780-849-0945.

Download the free Alberta Wildfire app for your mobile device and check back frequently for updates. Click on the Slave Lake tab to access the wildfire update for the Slave Lake Forest Area.

For information on the wildfire situation across the province of Alberta, visit:



A Fire Advisory has been issued for the southern Slave Lake Forest Area section of the Forest Protection Area due to warm temperatures and increased wildfire danger.
All fire permits are cancelled and no new permits will be issued.
Visit to view a map and details.

A Fire Ban and Off-Highway Vehicle Restriction has been issued in the Forest Protection Area of Alberta for most of northern Alberta, including the Fort McMurray Forest Area south of Lake Athabasca, the Lac La Biche Forest Area, the northern regions of the Slave Lake Forest Area, most of the Peace River Forest Area and all of the High level Forest Area.

To view the map of the Fire Ban/OHV Restriction visit
Within the Slave Lake Forest Area the following communities are under the Fire Ban/OHV Restriction; Wabasca, Sandy Lake, Loon Lake, Red Earth Creek, Peerless Lake, Trout Lake and Chipewyan Lakes. 
Within the MD of Lesser Slave River the following communities are under the Fire Ban/OHV Restriction; Smith, Flatbush, Hondo and Chisholm.
For all other areas in northern Alberta visit to view map.
For more information regarding the Fire Ban/OHV Restriction call 1-866-FYI-FIRE.
All fire permits are suspended and no new fire permits will be issued.
• All open fires including campfires in campgrounds, backcountry and random camping areas and backyard fire pits.
• Charcoal briquettes, turkey fryers and tiki torches.
• Fireworks and exploding targets.
• The use of off-highway vehicles for recreational use on all public lands.
• Portable propane fire pits that are CSA approved or UL certified.
• Gas or propane stoves and barbecues that are CSA approved or UL certified and are designed for cooking or heating.
• Catalytic or infrared-style heaters.
• OHVs for industrial use, agricultural use, and traditional use by Indigenous peoples, as well as use on private lands.
The Fire Ban and Off-Highway Vehicle Restriction will remain in effect until conditions improve.


For Wednesday the temperature will be a high of 20-23 degrees and winds will be from the northeast/east 10 -15 kilometres per hour.


Do your part to prevent wildfires this spring. 

When riding your off highway vehicle stop frequently to remove any build-up of debris from the hot spots on your machine. An off-highway vehicle exhaust can reach temperatures of over 200 degrees Celsius. That means it won't take long for that wet and muddy debris to dry up, start smouldering and fall to the ground as you drive away.

Never leave your campfire unattended and make sure it's out. Soak it with water, stir up the ashes and soak it again. A campfire is out when the ashes are cool to the touch.

Unless the situation changes your next wildfire update will be issued on May 22nd.

If you have any questions please contact

Leah Lovequist

Wildfire Information Officer

Mobile: 780-849-0945


Keep up to date on the wildfire situation by subscribing to the Slave Lake Forest Area Wildfire Update or download the free Alberta Wildfire app for Apple or Android devices.

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