Slave Lake Area Update

Slave Lake Forest Area Wildfire Update- April 3, 2024

Posted on Wed, Apr 03, 2024


Wildfire danger

The wildfire danger in the Slave Lake Forest Area has been reduced to LOW due to widespread rain. This relief will be short-lived as warm temperatures are forecasted for the weekend. It will only take a few hours of warm weather for the dead grass to become flammable again.

To report a wildfire call 310-FIRE (3473). Firefighters are on alert ready to respond to any new wildfires that start. 

During times of low to moderate wildfire danger, updates will be issued weekly. However, when the danger escalates to high or extreme levels, updates will be provided daily. Unless conditions change, you can expect your next wildfire update on April 5, 2024. If you have any questions in the meantime, please call the Slave Lake Forest Area Wildfire Information Officer at 780-849-0945.


Cool and rainy weather is expected to continue today. Above seasonal temperatures are expected to return this weekend.

Photo: SWF013 April 2, 2024
Current wildfire situation
SWF013 was detected on March 31 and is located approximately 15 kilometres south of Red Earth Creek. The wildfire is 54 hectares in size and is currently being held, meaning the wildfire is not anticipated to grow past expected boundaries given the current weather and firefighting resources. Firefighters and heavy equipment have made good progress fighting the wildfire. Heavy equipment has built fire guard around the entire wildfire and firefighters are working to extinguish hot spots. Currently, 18 firefighters and four water trucks are working on the wildfire. For the safety of our firefighters, we are asking motorists to reduce speed when traveling in the wildfire area on Highway 88.
In the Slave Lake Forest Area, eight wildfires from the 2023 wildfire season remain under control.
Currently in the Peavine Metis Settlement, two firefighters with heavy equipment are working to extinguish ground fires on SWF068-2023. Firefighters are using the aerial infrared scan results to locate these ground fires.
Since January 1, 2024, 14 wildfires have been reported in the Slave Lake Forest Area, resulting in a total burned area of 273.31 hectares. Of the 14 wildfires, one is classified as being held, eight have been extinguished and four are under control and one has been turned over to the landowner for extinguishment.
Since January 1, 2024, 86 wildfires have been reported in the Forest Protection Area of Alberta, resulting in a total burned area of 458.57 hectares. 

To view wildfires on a map, download the AB Wildfire App or visit the Alberta Wildfire Status Dashboard


Firefighters burning

Over the next several weeks, firefighters will be burning areas of dead dry grass around communities in the Slave Lake Forest Area. Burning is an efficient way to remove this extremely flammable fire fuel. Trained firefighters conduct these burns under specific weather conditions to ensure the fires are controlled and to minimize the impact of smoke to roadways and communities.

If you have any questions about these grass burns contact Wildfire Information Office Leah Lovequist 780-849-0945.


A fire advisory is in effect for the Slave Lake Forest Area section of the Forest Protection Area.
Under this advisory:
  • Existing fire permits are valid. Permit holder must follow the safe burning conditions outlined on the fire permit.
  • New fire permits will not be issued for non-essential heavy fuel burning such as machine-piled brush piles and windrows.
  • New fire permits will be issued on a case-by-case basis, for essential burning only.
  • Any burning without a valid fire permit, other than a campfire is prohibited.

Stay informed of fire restrictions and fire bans in your area by checking Alberta Firebans

check your winter burning shovel

Go back and check your winter burns

Now’s the time to go back and check on any winter burn projects to make sure they are fully extinguished.

When revisiting your winter burn site you should spread the remaining ashes and debris. Check the ground for any hotspots with your bare hands and feel deep below the surface for any lingering ground fire. Douse the area to fully extinguish the burn and stir up ashes with heavy equipment or hand tools.

A fire is not fully out until the area is cold to the touch.  If your winter burn remains active, promptly contact your local Forestry Office to request a fire permit.

For information on brush pile and windrow safe burning practices click here.

Fire Permit Online

Fire permits are required

From now until October 31, fire permits are required for any burning, except campfires, in the Forest Protection Area of Alberta.

Fire permits help us track what is burning on the landscape. If you are burning without a permit or not following permit conditions, your fire could be considered a wildfire and you could be fined and may be responsible for the costs of suppressing the fire. By getting a fire permit, you help keep our firefighters free to fight real wildfires instead of responding to the smoke in your backyard.

Fire permits are free and can be requested online. Visit to request your fire permit online.You may also request your fire permit by calling your local Forestry Office.

Wabasca 780-891-3860

Slave Lake 780-849-7377

High Prairie 780-523-6619   

Fire permit holders, please remember to check the weather forecast before initiating any burning activities. This precaution ensures that you'll adhere to the safe burning conditions outlined on your fire permit.


FireSmart Alberta

Visit to learn how you can reduce the risk and negative impact of wildfire to your home, neighbourhood and community.
 Hiring firefighters - helicopter (landscape)
We're hiring

Are you interested in joining the Alberta Wildfire team this summer? We are currently hiring for Wildfire Crew Members and Leaders. Click here to apply.

wildfire app graphic
Wildfire information 

The wildfire dashboard provides up-to-date wildfire information at the click of a button. This interactive tool displays important statistics on the number of active wildfires in the province, sizes, locations, suspected causes and more. The dashboard builds on the former wildfire status map by displaying the most frequently accessed information in one convenient location.

Download the Alberta Wildfire app and get access to accurate, real-time information on wildfires in your area. You can also find information on fire advisories, restrictions and bans across the province and much more all on your mobile device. Available for Apple and Android.

Subscribe to the Slave Lake Forest Area Wildfire Update to receive an email when new information is posted.

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If you have any questions, please contact:

Wildfire Information Officer

Leah Lovequist


