Grande Prairie Area Update

Grande Prairie Area Update July 3, 2023

Posted on Mon, Jul 03, 2023


The wildfire danger is MODERATE for the Grande Prairie Forest Area. Cooler temperatures and higher humidity is providing temporary relief for our forest area. There will be a continued chance of lightning caused wildfires over the coming weeks. 


Wildfire Situation

At this time,  there have been 46 wildfires in the Grande Prairie Forest Area (GPFA) burning nearly 141, 400 hectares.

There are 10 wildfires in the Grande Prairie Forest Area. Of these fires, one is classified as out of control (OC), seven are under control (UC) and two are being held (BH). For more information on the current wildfire situation for the province visit our Alberta Wildfire Status Dashboard.

Today, winds are forecasted from the  northwest 20 km/h gusting to 40. with the area experiencing local smoke from wildfires burning in northern BC and Alberta. For the an accurate forecast of wildfire smoke, go to FIRESMOKE CANADA for hourly ground-level concentration of smoke particles from wildfires.


GWF035 & GWF038 - Boone Lake Complex GCX002

The Boone Lake Complex is made up of two fires and the approximate area involved is 8,300 hectares. 

Firefighters continue to complete dozer guard and contain the line inside the perimeter 100 feet in priority areas. They are Monitoring for spot fires outside the perimeter.

Currently, 114 firefighters, 6 helicopters with buckets and various types of heavy equipment.

GWF035 is located 20 kilometers north of Valhalla Center near the northeast side of Boone Lake. This wildfire is now considered to be 100 percent contained with a guard and is estimated to be 872 hectares in size. This wildfire started June 4, 2023 and is classified as Being Held (BH). The south perimeter is held adjacent to Boone Lake and is being supported with a long-term retardant, helicopter bucketing and heavy equipment and ground resources. This wildfire has lots of interior heat and still is producing visible smoke.


GWF038 is approximately 10 kilometers west of Deadwood Lake, in Township 77-10 and is moving east. This wildfire is now considered to be 90 percent contained with a guard and is estimated to be 7,356 hectares in size. This wildfire started June 6, 2023 and is classified as out of control (OC).  In the past 24 hours this wildfire has recieved less than 5mm of precipitation. The complex remains 90% contained with 30% controlled. Recent Infrared  scans showed heat on 80% of the perimeter, this fire is burning deep and is resulting slow pace of control.

Firefighting crews working with helicopters and buckets are working to extinguish hotspots. More heavy equipment has been requested to reclaim the lost fireguard and contain the wildfire. Please stay out of the active fire zone as wildfire suppression operations are ongoing.

 Tanker on Basset june27

GWF018 this wildfire is currently classified as being held (BH). For more information about this fire please visit the Peace River Forest Area Update.


GWF039 this lightning caused wildfire is classified as Under Control (UC) and is estimated to be 94 hectares in size. At this stage, suppression efforts have ensured the wildfire will not spread any further. Firefighters will continue to patrol and monitor the fire and extinguish hotspots when reported. GWF039 is located approximately 60 kilometers southwest of Grovedale.

GWF041 is now classified as being Under Control (UC). This wildfire is estimated to be 6.5 ha in size and located 7.5 kilometers northwest of Moonshine Lake Provincial Park. Firefighters will continue to patrol and monitor this fire and extinguish hotspots when reported.


GWF027 & GWF040 - Eagle Complex WCX001

GWF040 is listed as under control (UC) at 1.3 hectares.

GWF 027 is classified as Under Control (UC). It is estimated to be 55,000 hectares in size and is now part of the Eagle Complex, which is being managed by the Whitecourt Forest Area. For the most recent updates visit the Whitecourt Forest Area Update.


GWF017 & GWF023, GWF019 - Sturgeon Lake Complex GCX001

As of June 1, 2023 the status of the wildfires within the Sturgeon Lake Complex has been updated to under control. Firefighters remain on alert for new wildfires and continue to monitor those under control.

GWF017 is estimated to be 5,752 hectares in size and classified as under control (UC). An infrared scan done yesterday has detect hotspots and crews have been deployed to these for extinguishment. Additional heat scans will be done today and tonight. Alberta Wildfire uses various infrared technologies as a mapping tool to obtain the boundaries of ongoing fires and to determine the most effective location for air tanker drops on fires.

GWF023 is estimated to be 3,889 hectares in size and classified as under control (UC).

The interior of active wildfires can flare up as previously unburnt vegetation catches fire. This is a normal occurrence. Firefighters are monitoring these active fires and are working to put out hot spots. There is no need to report flame or smoke in these areas.

GWF019 Bald Mountain Fire is 19,435 hectares in size and classified as under control (UC). This fire is approximately 17 kilometers west of Highway 40. This wildfire has been determined to be caused by lightning. This wildfire is being monitored only. The most current infrared scan showed minimal hot spots and at this time, no concerns with this fire.

Fire Restriction wide-1

A FIRE RESTRICTION remains in effect for the northern part of the Grande Prairie Forest Area, within the Forest Protection Area (FPA) of Alberta. Cities, towns, villages and summer villages as well as National Parks are exempt from this restriction.

Please visit to view a map of the impacted area. This fire restriction will remain in effect until conditions improve across the province.


  • All outdoor wood fires in backcountry and random camping areas on public land
  • Charcoal briquettes in backcountry and random camping areas on public land
  • The use of fireworks and exploding targets



  • Wood campfires on private land and in designated campgrounds
  • Charcoal briquettes on private land and in designated campgrounds
  • Propane/natural gas-powered appliances
  • Open flame oil devices (e.g., turkey deep fryers, tiki torches)
  • Indoor wood fires contained within a device with a chimney and spark arrestor
  • All appliances must be CSA approved and used per manufacturer’s standards


Report wildfires by calling 310-FIRE (3473)


Emergency preparedness helps everyone. Being Emergency Ready  means we are better prepared to protect our families and communities during emergencies by knowing the risks, making a plan and building an emergency kit. 


Kelly Burke | Wildfire Information Officer

(780) 832 7235

Phone: 1-866-394-3473