Grande Prairie Area Update

Grande Prairie Area Update February 15, 2023

Posted on Wed, Feb 15, 2023


Wildfire season starts March 1, 2023

Wildfire season starts March 1 in Alberta. During fire season a fire permit is required for all burning, with the exception of a campfire in the Forest Protection Area of Alberta.  All winter burning must be extinguished before fire season begins.

Do your part to prevent spring wildfires by revisiting your winter burn sites to make sure they are extinguished. Use your hand and check for heat over the pile. If you see smoke or feel heat, the fire is still burning beneath the surface. Drench hot spots with water and stir up the ashes. Revisit and keep monitoring the area especially on windy days.

To report a wildfire call 310-FIRE (3473).



online permit 2023


Prevent Spring Wildfires

Use the following guidelines when preparing to burn brush piles or windrows
Kelly Burke | Wildfire Information Officer

(780) 832 7235

For information on the wildfire situation across the province of Alberta visit Alberta Wildfire Status Dashboard.

Subscribe: Grande Prairie Forest Area wildfire update.

Phone: 1-866-394-3473