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Provincial Information Officer
Phone: 1-866-394-3473
Phone: 1-866-394-3473
Wildfire Update - September 27, 2019
The wildfire danger rating for the Whitecourt Forest Area is LOW. There are currently no wildfires currently burning in the area.
Since March 1, there have been 46 wildfires in the Whitecourt Forest Area burning a total of 76.98 hectares.
Since March 1 in the Forest Protection Area of Alberta, there have been 972 wildfires burning a total of 883,404.73 hectares.
For more information on the current wildfire situation across the province of Alberta, visit
With the exception of campfires, fire permits are required within the Forest Protection Area. If you plan on burning, please contact your local forestry office to request a fire permit.
Always ensure that you are burning within the conditions of your fire permit. Your permit will state factors such as wind speed that could affect whether or not burning is allowed. It is your responsibility to monitor these conditions and ensure that they are met prior to burning.
You must also continue monitoring the conditions throughout the burning, and extinguish any burning that is taking place should these conditions be exceeded.
Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Safety
Off-Highway Vehicles (OHVs) include all-terrain vehicles, quads, trikes and other vehicles designed for travelling off public roads and on unpaved trails and terrain. Debris falling from these vehicles can start a wildfire. You can reduce the risk of your vehicle causing a wildfire by following some simple tips:
For more information on preventing wildfires while using your OHV, visit our online brochure.
Safe Campfires
If you are heading to the outdoors and plan on having a campfire, please build your campfire in a safe location. Here are some tips to ensure a safe campfire experience:
Never leave your campfire unattended. If you see smoke or flame in the forest, call 310-FIRE.