Whitecourt Area Update

High Wildfire Danger - Whitecourt Forest Area - June 19, 2018

Written by Shannon Stambaugh | Jun 19, 2018 7:50:30 PM


The wildfire danger is now high for the Whitecourt Forest Area. Warm, dry conditions are in the forecast for the next few days, increasing the potential for a wildfire to start, and spread quickly. Please take the necessary precautions to prevent a wildfire. 

Lightning season is here, if you see smoke in the forest, call 310-FIRE (3473).

 Image: Looking through the scope at a "smoke detection" yesterday, near Whitecourt, Alberta.


Free fire permits are required for any burning (except campfires) within the Forest Protection Area of Alberta. 

If you need a fire permit in the Whitecourt Forest Area, call 780-778-7272.

If you burn without a permit, or outside of the permit conditions, your fire is a wildfire. Learn about violation tickets for burning without a permit.


WILDFIRE SITUATION | June 19, 2018, at 2:00 p.m.

Whitecourt Forest Area
  • In the last 24 hours, there was one wildfire in the Whitecourt Forest Area, firefighters responded quickly, and extinguished it at 0.10 hectares in size.
  • Since March 1, 2018, there have been 36 wildfires; with a total area burnt of 11.75 hectares.

Province of Alberta

  • There are 16 wildfires in the Forest Protection Area of Alberta. 1 is being held, 10 are under control, and 5 have been turned over to the responsible parties. Learn more about wildfire status definitions.

  • Since March 1, 2018, Alberta has recorded 600 wildfires in the Forest Protection Area; with a total area burnt of 30,290.27 hectares. More information can be found at wildfirestatus.alberta.ca.


  • Never leave your campfire, and when finished, soak it, stir it, and soak it again. Learn more.
  • Clean your off-highway vehicle before, during and after your ride. Learn more.

Before you go camping, or using a vehicle off-road, find out about fire advisories, restrictions, bans, and off-highway vehicle restrictions at Albertafirebans.ca, or on the Alberta Fire Bans app for Android or Apple devices. 



Unless conditions change, your next wildfire update will be June 20, 2018, at 4:00 p.m.
Shannon Stambaugh
Wildfire Information Officer
Phone: 780.706.5336
Email: shannon.stambaugh@gov.ab.ca




Whitecourt Forest Area Wildfire Update