Whitecourt Area Update

Whitecourt Forest Area Wildfire Update - February 23, 2021

Written by Mike Milner | Feb 23, 2021 6:45:00 PM


Wildfire Update - February 23, 2021

The wildfire danger rating for the Whitecourt Forest Area is LOW.



Starting March 1, fire permits are required for any burning, except campfires, in the Forest Protection Area of Alberta. Fire permits help us to track what is burning on the landscape. If you're burning without a fire permit or outside fire permit conditions, your fire is considered a wildfire. By getting a permit you help keep our firefighters free to fight real wildfires instead of responding to the smoke in your backyard. Fire permits are free and can be requested from the Whitecourt Forestry Office.

Remember to revisit any winter burn piles before March 1. If they are still active please contact your local Agriculture and Forestry office. Permits are required after March 1.

When checking your winter burns, spread around any remaining debris so you can probe the area for hotspots. Use your bare hand to feel for heat over the ash piles. If you see smoke or feel heat, the fire is still burning. Douse any remaining hotspots with water and stir up the ashes. A fire is not out until there is absolutely no heat emanating from the ashes.

Last wildfire season, 704 wildfires burned 3,269 hectares. The five-year average in Alberta is 1346 wildfires burning 393,134 hectares. Last year 88 per cent of wildfires were human-caused, meaning they are preventable.

Whitecourt Forestry Office
Monday - Friday 0815-1630: 780-778-7166

For more information, please contact:

Provincial Information Officer




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