Whitecourt Area Update

Hazard Reduction Burn - Whitecourt Forest Area Wildfire Update - April 29

Posted on Thu, Apr 23, 2020


Hazard Reduction Burn to occur west of Blue Ridge Lumber - April 29, 2020

A hazard reduction burn is a planned, controlled burning of high-hazard vegetation conducted by highly trained professional firefighters. These burns occur in lush grassy vegetation typically located along industrial right-of-ways and within the wildland urban interface surrounding communities.

This burn will be approximately 10.7 hectares in size and is located west of the Blue Ridge Lumber in Alberta. In preparation for this hazard reduction burn, municipal and provincial firefighters have planned extensively to ensure public safety. Burning will only begin when conditions are within the established burning prescription window. Firefighters will manage and monitor this burn until it’s fully extinguished. 



Wildfire Update - April 29, 2020

The wildfire danger rating for the Whitecourt Forest Area is LOW.

Since March 1, there has been one wildfire in the Whitecourt Forest Area. It has been extinguished.

Since March 1 in the Forest Protection Area of Alberta, there have been 49 wildfires burning a total of 10.5 hectares.

For more information on the current wildfire situation across the province of Alberta, visit wildfirestatus.alberta.ca.

FINAL_Fire Ban Sign_08APR20


There is a fire ban in place inside the Forest Protection Area of Alberta, as well as in Alberta provincial parks and protected areas, until further notice.

Fire permits are suspended or cancelled. Some allowances can be made for essential agricultural and industrial burning, but will need to be approved by a forest officer.

• Safe wood campfires on public lands.
• Safe wood campfires on private land and provincial campgrounds.
• Backyard firepits, and
• Barbeques with charcoal briquettes.

• Propane / natural gas powered appliances
• Open flame CSA approved oil devices
• Wood fires in an enclosed facility or device, which have a chimney with a spark arrestor
• OHVs

** All devices must be CSA approved and used as per manufacturer standards. An enclosed facility or device is one that is fully contained with a chimney that has a spark arrestor. Users are still responsible for care and attendance of all devices and should reduce their use during fire restrictions and bans. Approved activities or devices will not prevent potential prosecution or litigation if the user or device starts a wildfire.

OHV Usage

With snow still on the ground the fire danger level is low. There are no off-highway vehicle restrictions currently in place in the Forest Protection area. As of right now, all Albertans may enjoy using their off-highway vehicles, including snow machines, on public land until conditions change.

An off-highway vehicle restriction in the Forest Protection Area will be reintroduced if there is an increase in the hazard level. This phased approach will allow us to address the wildfire risk area-by-area, allowing Albertans the freedom to enjoy the outdoors as much as possible. We will re-evaluate daily.

These steps are part of a number of actions the department is implementing to help mitigate wildfire risks during the COVID-19 pandemic. Taking action in advance to reduce the number of human-caused wildfires will allow Alberta Wildfire to make the best possible use of resources when the availability of firefighters could be reduced because of the pandemic.

Alberta Agriculture and Forestry will be monitoring conditions, including the availability of firefighting crews and resources during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Fire Ban will remain in effect until conditions improve.

Please visit AlbertaFireBans.ca for a map of the affected area.

For more information, please contact: 

Phone: 1-866-394-3473




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