Wildfire Update
Whitecourt Forest Area | April 21 @ 1:00 p.m.
In the past 24 hours, there have been three new wildfires in the Whitecourt Forest Area. Firefighters have been working very hard and thanks to the many people that called 310-FIRE over the past day, they were able to extinguish all of these wildfires!

Image: April 20, 2016. Airtanker fighting the wildfire located just over 8 kilometres south east of the town of Whitecourt. Whitecourt Wildfire Number 11 (WWF-011).
- Duffield Area Wildfires (WCU-001/WIR-001) these two wildfires are located within the area of Duffield, Alberta. Assistance was requested by both Parkland County and Wabamun Indian Reserve No. 133A on April 17. Currently, 41 firefighters, two helicopters and 6 pieces of heavy equipment are assisting with this wildfire.
- Onoway Area Wildfire (WCU-002) is 93 hectares in size and is located approximately 24 kilometres north west of St. Albert, Alberta. Assistance was requested at 10:00 pm on April 18 by Lac Ste. Anne County. There are nine firefighters assisting with this wildfire.

Provincial Update | April 21 @ 10:00 a.m.
- In the last 24 hours there have been nine new wildfires. Four are under control, one has been turned over to the responsible party and four have been extinguished.
- Alberta currently has 34 wildfires. Four are being held, 16 are under control and 14 have been turned over to the responsible party.
- Since April 1, 2016, Alberta has recorded 187 wildfires that have burned a total of 558.61 hectares.
For information on wildfires across the province, visit Wildfire.Alberta.ca
Fire Advisory in Effect
On April 8, 2016 a Fire Advisory was declared in the Whitecourt Forest Area. Fire permits for heavy fuels (i.e. brush piles, windrows and root piles) will not be issued until conditions improve.
- Current Fire Permits are still valid. Before you burn, check the weather to make sure you are within the conditions of your permit.
- No new Fire Permits will be issued until conditions improve.
- Safe campfires are still allowed but are not recommended until weather conditions change.
The Advisory will remain in place until conditions improve. If you have questions about Fire Permits within the Whitecourt Forest Area call 780-778-7272.
Burning activities may become restricted in the coming days if conditions worsen. For more information on Fire Advisories, Restrictions or Bans across the province, visit AlbertaFirebans.ca.
Wildfire Hazard
Dry conditions mixed with gusting winds, keep the wildfire hazard at EXTREME for the Whitecourt Forest Area. This means a wildfire that starts today will spread fast and will be difficult and dangerous to control.
Patches of dry grass and branches pose the highest areas of wildfire risk, use caution when working or recreating in these areas.
Call 310-FIRE if you see smoke in the forest.
Smoke-Related Health Concerns
If you have health concerns regarding smoke inhalation from a wildfire, check Alberta Health Services website or call 811 for 24 hour health advice.
For a smoke forecast map, please visit Wildfire Smoke Forecasts for Western Canada.