Rocky Mountain House Area Update

Rocky Mountain House Forest Area Wildfire Update - July 23, 2022 (Update 8:00p.m.)

Posted on Sat, Jul 23, 2022


The wildfire danger in the Rocky Mountain House Forest Area continues to be VERY HIGH. 

Report smoke or fire in the forest by calling 310-FIRE (3473).


There are currently three wildfires in the Rocky Mountain House Forest Area. 

RWF-038, The Black Mountain Fire: 

This wildfire was discovered on July 19, located 19km west of Nordegg. It remains classified as out of control at approximately 507 hectares. View the area map here.

There are currently 42 wildland firefighters and one Agency Representative imported from British Columbia. There are also 24 Firetack firefighters with three wildfire support staff. The Incident Management Team is performing wildfire operations. We also have two heavy equipment groups and two dozer bosses. There are 11 helicopters bucketing on the wildfire today. 

Tomorrow, helicopters will continue working on the wildfire from the air performing bucketing operations. Heavy equipment will continue to gain ground access and build a fire guard. The dozers will be working along the southeast flank of the fire. There will be helicopters, heavy equipment, and wildland firefighters working on the wildfire. 

Tomorrow's weather for the wildfire will be 23 degrees with winds coming from the southwest at 5-10 km/h and northwest at 5-10 km/h for the afternoon. There is no precipitation forecasted that is intended to affect RWF038 for tomorrow. 

Structure protection is in place for the Dry Haven area, Centre of Education, Frontier Lodge, and Goldeye Lake structures. 

The evacuation orders and alerts issued by Clearwater County remain in place. Please visit or download the Alberta Emergency Alert App for additional information.  

Please visit 511 for the most up-to-date information on any roadway closures in the area. Traffic may be slowed on highway 11 near Nordegg do to wildfire operations. 


(British Columbia wildfire crews unloading gear, July 23).

Since January 1, there have been 41 wildfires in the Rocky Mountain House Forest Area which have burned 545 hectares. 

Since January 1, there have been 671 wildfires in Alberta which have burned 99,174 hectares. There is one wildfire of note in the Rocky Mountain Forest Protection Area of Alberta at this time.

fire advisory wide

A fire advisory is now in effect for the Rocky Mountain House Forest Area section of the Forest Protection Area due to current and forecasted weather conditions. Fine fuels and wooden debris are very dry and could ignite easily from any spark, friction or hot exhaust. Use extreme caution when working or recreating outdoors. 

At this time, there are no changes to existing permits but any new permits will be considered on a case by case basis.

The public and residents in the Rocky Mountain House Forest Area can continue to use a fire pit, charcoal briquettes on a barbecue, or a safe campfire and recreational off-highway vehicles. When recreating in the backcountry make sure your campfire is completely extinguished by soaking the ashes, stirring them and soaking them again.

The fire advisory will remain in place until conditions improve.

Wildfire Dashboard


The new wildfire dashboard provides up-to-date wildfire information at the click of a button. This interactive tool displays important statistics on the number of active wildfires in the Forest Protection Area of Alberta, sizes, locations, suspected causes and more.

The dashboard builds on the former wildfire status map by displaying the most frequently accessed information in one convenient location.

wildfire app (2)


Download the Alberta Wildfire app today and get access to accurate, real-time information on wildfires in your area. You can also find information on fire advisories, restrictions and bans across the province and much more all on your mobile device.

Available for Apple and Android.

Before heading out, please check to determine whether there are any fire advisories, fire restrictions or fire bans in effect for your destination. 

For more information contact:

Information Officer 
(780) 706-5336



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