Rocky Mountain House Area Update

Rocky Mountain House Forest Area Update - June 7, 2024

Posted on Fri, Jun 07, 2024


The wildfire danger in the Rocky Mountain House Forest Area is now HIGH.

We have been seeing an increase in abandoned campfires in the Rocky Mountain House Forest Area. Never leave a campfire unattended. Before you leave your campfire, ensure it is fully extinguished by soaking it, stirring it and soaking it again until the coals are cool to the touch.

If you see a wildfire, report it immediately by calling 310-FIRE (3473).

Stay informed on fire restrictions and fire bans in your area by checking Alberta Fire Bans.

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Safe campfires 

Abandoned campfires account for the highest percentage of human-caused wildfires and are completely preventable. It is extremely important to properly extinguish your campfire before leaving it. Soak it, stir it and soak it again. If your campfire is fully extinguished, you should not feel any heat from the ashes.

Here are a few tips to ensure to use to ensure your campfire is safe:

  • Never leave your campfire unattended. Before you leave your campfire, ensure you fully extinguish it by soaking the ashes, stirring them and soaking them again until they are cool to the touch.
  • Choose a safe site that is out of the wind and on bare mineral ground. Ensure that sparks can't fly into nearby dry vegetation or grass. A spark will fly farther than you think.
  • Ensure you have sufficient firefighting equipment including water nearby. Don't take chances. A spark in dry grass will ignite easily and spread very quickly if the wind is present. 
  • Remember to visit Alberta Fire Bans before heading out to find the latest information about fire bans or restrictions across the province.

On average, 67% of wildfires are human-caused. If you are found responsible for starting a wildfire, you can be charged, fined and held liable for all costs associated with fighting the wildfire.

Wildfire update

Since January 1, 2024, there have been 21 wildfires in the Rocky Mountain House Forest Area, which have burned 4.6 hectares. All of these wildfires have been extinguished. 

For more information on the current wildfire situation, visit Alberta Wildfire Status. 




Your actions today can minimize wildfire damage to your home and property tomorrow. Visit the new FireSmart Alberta site to learn how you can reduce the risk and negative impact of wildfire to your home, neighbourhood and community.

To learn more on how you can protect your home and structures from wildfire, download the Farm and Acreage FireSmart magazine.

Provincial Information Officer

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