The fire danger for the Peace River Forest Area is MODERATE.
If you see smoke or fire in the forest, report it by calling 310-FIRE (3473).
Since January 1, 2022, there have been 122 wildfires in the Peace River Forest Area, burning a total of 98 hectares (ha).
Since January 1, 2022 in the Forest Protection Area, there have been 1254 wildfires, burning a total of 153,124 ha.
To view wildfires on a map, download the AB Wildfire App or visit the Wildfire Status page.
While wildfire season officially ends October 31 and a fire permit is no longer required for burning inside the Forest Protection Area, it’s important to keep safe winter burning practices top of mind.
Refrain from burning when an inversion is in place or is forecasted.
Consult your local municipality on how to safely undertake larger winter burning projects near communities or roads.
Actively manage burn projects to reduce total burning time.
Burn debris in stages so that you can adapt to changing weather conditions and reduce smoke.
Don’t burn until you have good snow cover in the area (more than 15 cm).
During the 2022 wildfire season, Alberta Wildfire responded to 1,254 wildfires in the Forest Protection Area of Alberta. These wildfires burned over 153,124 hectares in area. That’s near the five-year average for total number of wildfires 1,111, but below the average area burned, which is 190,579 hectares. Alberta experienced a wet spring this year which reduced the wildfire risk significantly at a time when large wildfires are likely to occur. Extended periods of hot, dry conditions through the summer months and into the fall kept the wildfire danger up towards the end of the season. Provincially, we experienced warmer than seasonal temperatures at the end of October which means there is still a risk for wildfires. Last year 67 per cent of wildfires were human-caused and these are completely preventable.
Are you curious to know if a job with Alberta Wildfire is right for you? Here’s what a day on the job could look like! We’re accepting crew member applications until Nov. 30. More info here:
As fire season ended October 31, fire permits are no longer required. Due to the dry fall we are asking residents to use extreme caution. Landowners are still liable for any burning they conduct on their lands.
Please be mindful of the weather forecast and watch for windy conditions. Remember that fire can burn deep into the ground and start-up again when conditions are right. These are called holdover wildfires and due to the unusually dry fall the drought conditions will effect burning conditions throughout the winter. With the current state of dry grass in the area it would be ideal to wait to burn till we see at least 15cm of snow on the ground.
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