The fire danger for the Peace River Forest Area is LOW.
If you see smoke or fire in the forest, report it by calling 310-FIRE (3473).
Since January 1, 2023 there have been no new wildfires. While fires in the winter are rare, they do happen. If you're burning please ensure you have the proper fire fighting equipment nearby. If you're having a campfire make sure you soak it, stir it and soak it again to ensure it's out.
Since January 1, 2023 there have been no new wildfires.
To view wildfires on a map, download the AB Wildfire App or visit the Wildfire Status page.
Fire season officially ends October 31, fire permits are no longer required in the Forest Protection Area. Landowners are still liable for any burning they conduct on their lands. Burn debris in stages so that you can adapt to the changing weather conditions and reduce smoke. Consult your local municipality on how to safely undertake larger winter burning projects near communities or roads.
Please be mindful of the weather forecast and watch for windy conditions and refrain from burning when an inversion is in place. Remember that fire can burn deep into the ground and start-up again when conditions are right. These are called holdover wildfires and due to the unusually dry fall and drought conditions it will effect burning conditions throughout the winter. Refrain from burning until you have 15cm of snow.
The inversion happens when cold air is trapped near the ground by warmer air. The cool air near the surface cannot escape upwards and this creates a layer in which smoke from winter burning is trapped along the ground surface as it cannot mix out and rise.
If an inversion is expected, smoke can be trapped close to the ground overnight reducing visibility and causing dangerous driving conditions. Smoke from burns can affect those with smoke related health concerns.
Check the weather forecast for an inversion before you burn and help us out by calling the Peace River forestry office at 780-624-6190 if you plan to do any large scale burning.
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Phone: (780) 420-1968
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