The Fire Ban remains in place for northern Alberta. Forest conditions are extremely dry and volatile.
There is precipitation in the forecast for tomorrow! If we receive a significant amount, it's likely the wildfire hazard will decrease and our fires will calm down a bit. The forecast for Sunday is for a high of 13 with 60% humidity, rain or thundershowers, and winds SE30 switching to W15. The cooler temps and humidity are anticipated to hit LWF 126 in the early afternoon, and LWF 122 in the early evening.
LWF 122 - Burnt Lake Fire (near Cold Lake)
This fire remains classified as out of control and is 27,460 hectares. The increase in size is due to the planned ignition and back burning we conducted yesterday.
The fire was active today on the north perimeter. The winds were from the southeast but were shifting throughout the day, making firefighting challenging. The fire ran a bit on the north perimeter. We will have a new size estimate tomorrow.
Today we worked to strengthen containment lines on the perimeter with ground and air support. We estimate the fire is about 30% contained by cat guard. The wind prevented us from doing any further aerial ignition today. Once the fire settles down tonight, we will assess the situation and tomorrow, winds permitting, we will be working to contain the northeast corner of the fire.
The photo below is from this afternoon.
There are over 260 firefighters and staff fighting this fire, as well as airtankers, 18 helicopters, 6 cat units, water trucks, and various other pieces of heavy equipment.
Latest map of LWF 122 (Saturday afternoon)
LWF 126 - Pony Creek Fire (Northwest of Conklin)
This fire remains classified as out of control and is 2980 hectares. The change in size is due to more accurate gps measurements that we were able to take when the smoke cleared today.
There was active fire today within the perimeter of the burn. Green areas, torching trees, and smoke were visible however all action was inside the perimeter of the fire area - no new growth. Today cat units continued to construct dozerline around the perimeter of the fire. We estimate the fire is about 25% contained. Ground crews worked to secure the dozer lines while helicopters with buckets worked to extinguish any excursions beyond the guard. Winds permitting, the plan for tomorrow is to continue guard construction and burn off an unburnt patch on the south end of the fire.
There are more than 150 firefighters and staff fighting this fire, as well as air tankers, 6 helicopters, 5 cat units, 1 water truck, engines, and other heavy equipment.
This map shows the perimeter of the fire today. Distances haven't changed from yesterday's report. We will have some photos for you tomorrow.
The Rest of the Area
We had one new wildfire today. This was a grass fire in the Janvier area and it's under control. There is one other fire in the area from earlier in the season. This fire is under control and on patrol status.
We have 15 crews, 12 helicopters, three cat units, five water trucks and other heavy equipment positioned across the area.
Although we expect rain tomorrow, it's going to take quite a good soaking to make much difference to the forest conditions. Please continue to be diligent about your campfire and quads. Your help in protecting our forest is appreciated!
Your next update will be about 8pm Sunday, unless conditions change.
For more information, please contact:
Leslie Lozinski
Forest Information Officer