Lac La Biche Area Update

Lac La Biche Forest Area - June 17, 2024

Posted on Mon, Jun 17, 2024


The wildfire danger is at LOW. This means that if a wildfire were to occur it can still ignite but is not expected to spread to deeper vegetation layers or larger fuels, such as trees.

If you see smoke or flame in the forest please call 310-FIRE (3473). 

The wildfire danger in the Lac La Biche Forest Area is LOW. 
Since January 1 2024, there has been a total of 85 wildfires burning a total of 58 hectares in the Lac La Biche Forest Area. There are currently no active wildfires in the Lac La Biche Forest Area.
To view active wildfires across the province on a map, visit the Alberta Wildfire Status page. 

Since January 1, 2024 in the Forest Protection Area of Alberta, there have been 435 wildfires burning a total of 27,987 ha.

over exit


When they are not fighting wildfires, firefighters use their time to train and keep their skills sharp. Here, you can see firefighters practicing a hover exit. A hover exit is the transfer of trained firefighters and equipment from a hovering helicopter to the ground. This is performed when the terrain near a wildfire makes it hard for the helicopter to land. Firefighters will then exit the hovering helicopter and create a landing pad for the aircraft giving the crews and helicopter a safe place to land for future purposes. 



You will need a fire permit for any burning in the Forest Protection Area, with the exception of a campfire, until October 31. 

Fire permits ensure safe burning practices and allow staff to know where burning is approved so firefighters and aircraft are free to fight wildfires. Your municipality may have its own rules and restrictions in place. Contact them for further details.

If winds are exceeding 12 km/h or the wind regulations on your permit please extinguish your fire immediately. 

For more details about safe burning practices, see safe burning.


Your actions today can minimize wildfire damage to your home and property tomorrow. Visit the new FireSmart Alberta website to learn how taking proactive FireSmart measures around your house and yard can increase your property's resistance to wildfire.

Download the Farm and Acreage Guide to Reducing the Risk From Wildfire for additional information.

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Subscribe to your local Forest Area update or other Forest Area updates and they'll come directly to your email. You can visit our updates, enter your email address and click Instant then Subscribe. 

You can also download the AB Wildfire Status App, click the "i" at the bottom left for the most recent update. To be notified when new updates are live you can click the bell for notifications and scroll to the Lac La Biche Forest Area update. 

Visit the Alberta Wildfire website at for more information on the current wildfire situation.

Before heading out, please check to determine whether there are any fire advisories, fire restrictions or fire bans in effect for your destination. 

For more information please contact: 


selfie hubspot


Colby Lachance 

Area Information Coordinator 




Related Information


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Alberta Wildfire App for Apple or Android.
Alberta Fire Bans App for Apple or Android.