Grande Prairie Area Update

Grande Prairie Forest Area Wildfire Update - November 2, 2021

Posted on Tue, Nov 02, 2021

End of wildfire season

The 2021 wildfire season in Alberta officially ended on October 31. Permits are no longer required to burn brush within the Forest Protection Area of Alberta. Residents living outside the Forest Protection Area (FPA) can contact their municipality or local authority for more information about fire permit requirements.

Wildfire Situation

Since March 1, 2021 there were 103 wildfires in the Grande Prairie Forest Area of which 65 were human-caused, representing 63 percent. At the provincial level, 805 of the 1,307 wildfires that burned in the Forest Protection Area of Alberta – or 62 percent – were human-caused. 

On average, the total number of human-caused wildfires in Alberta has been declining in the past five years. Fighters would like to thank you for properly extinguishing your campfires, using caution when recreating in the outdoors and reporting wildfires this season. For more information on the wildfire situation across the province of Alberta visit 


The Peace Region of Alberta has deep layers of organic soils, this organic material may ignite under debris piles and smolder over the winter months. This is commonly known as a holdover fire or ground fire. These fires often start during the fall and winter months as a result of improperly extinguished fires. We are heading into the winter under very dry conditions, favorable for holdover fires. Always check the ground after burning by digging deep and feeling for heat.  


When having a campfire always take the time to properly extinguish it when you are done.  An abandoned campfire can easily spark a wildfire in dry conditions. Do your part to prevent wildfires by always making sure your campfire is out before you leave. Soak it, stir it and soak it again! #ABWildfire 


Wildfire Community Preparedness Day 2022

Applications for the 2022 Wildfire Community Preparedness Day is now open!

Wildfire Community Preparedness Day is a day where neighbours work together to reduce the risk of wildfire or the impact of a recent wildfire, or advance preparedness for wildfire in the neighbourhood. Wildfire Community Preparedness Day is recognized nationally on Saturday, May 7, but local events can be held through Oct. 31. Get help paying for your neighbourhood’s project by applying for $500 from FireSmart Canada and its partners. Together we are prepared. Click here to apply!

For more information:

Kelly Burke | Wildfire Information Officer

(780) 832 7235

Phone: 1-866-394-3473






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