Grande Prairie Area Update

Grande Prairie Forest Area - Fire Advisory in effect: May 20, 2019

Posted on Mon, May 20, 2019



A steady increase in daytime temperatures, high wind and lack of precipitation has the wildfire danger in the Grande Prairie Forest Area Very High.

Gusty wind can cause extreme fire behaviour and allow fires to grow rapidly. Residents and visitors to the Grande Prairie Forest Area are urged to be extra cautious with fire at this time. Check where you are and please do your part to prevent wildfires this long weekend. 



A Fire Advisory has been issued for the Grande Prairie Forest Area effective 1300 hrs. May 20, 2019

Due to high winds and dry conditions, a Fire Advisory is now in effect for the Grande Prairie Forest Area of the Forest Protection Area (FPA) of Alberta.
All fire permits are cancelled and no new permits will be issued until the advisory has been lifted.


What is allowed:

Safe campfires in campgrounds (within fire ring), backyards, or random camping areas

Charcoal briquettes

Portable propane fire pits

Gas or propane stoves and barbecues

Catalytic or infrared-style heaters



Check burned sites for possible hold-over fires. Improperly extinguished fires can flash back to life, especially during a wind event. Spread out remaining ash and probe the area for hot spots. If you see smoke or feel the heat, the fire is still burning beneath the surface. Drench any remaining hot spots with water and stir up the ashes.
Ride debris free. During the hot weather months, the risk of wildfire is extremely high. Please refrain from riding in areas that have abundant grass and dry vegetation. Fire direction, intensity, and speed can change in an instant always be mindful of the weather and hazard conditions when in the forest.

Thank you for doing your part, if you spot a wildfire call 310-FIRE.

If you live within the Forest Protection Area, please contact your local Forestry office for a permit (780) 538-5560. Anyone living outside the Forest Protection Area can contact their municipality for information about local fire permit requirements. Find more information on safe burning practices for brush piles and windrows here.



Get the most up-to-date wildfire information for the entire province, download the free Alberta Wildfire Android or Apple products.  

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Kelly Burke | Wildfire Information Officer
Mobile: (780) 832 7235