Since March 1, 2021 there have been 58 wildfires burning over 63 hectares in the Grande Prairie Forest Area. For more information on the current wildfire situation across the province of Alberta visit
Widespread rainfall gives a temporary cool down and good coverage to dampen the forest fine fuels in the Grande Prairie Forest Area, but the potential for wildfires remain.
Drought conditions and record heat along with a forecast of gusty winds 20-40 km/h will cause extreme fire behaviour and allow fires to grow rapidly.
Wildfire crews will be out today checking lightning hot spots for new wildfires. At this time of year when lightning fires are occurring, it's important to be extra careful with fire and limit the number of human-caused wildfires.
A FIRE RESTRICTION is in place for Grande Prairie Forest due to hot and dry conditions, which will increase the fire danger. The fire restriction will remain in effect until conditions improve or change.
Under this restriction:
A fire restriction is in effect, all active permits are suspended including burn barrels and no new fire permits will be issued until conditions change.
Check Alberta Fire Bans for the most up to date information on advisories, restrictions and bans in your area. Anyone living outside the FPA can contact their municipality for information about local fire permit requirements.
From March 1st until October 31st, fire permits are required for any burning except campfires in the Forest Protection Area (FPA).
County West / Grovedale - (780) 814-1648
Spirit River – (780) 814-1983
Valleyview – (780) 524-6576
If you spot a wildfire call 310-FIRE.
In order to be prepared for any new wildfires, crews have been stationed strategically throughout the area so they can quickly and efficiently fight fires. We are searching for new fires by aerial patrol and lookout personnel will constantly watch from their tower sites for new fires.
Kelly Burke | Wildfire Information Officer
(780) 832 7235
Phone: 1-866-394-3473