Fort McMurray Area Update

Fort McMurray Forest Area Wildfire Update - May 8, 2024

Posted on Wed, May 08, 2024



The wildfire danger is MODERATE for the Fort McMurray Forest Area.

A FIRE RESTRICTION remains in effect for the Fort McMurray Forest Area. While the area received some recent rain, it wasn't enough to alleviate the current drought conditions. Warm, windy and dry weather is expected to return this weekend, which will increase the fire danger. 

Please be cautious when spending time outdoors. Wildfires can start and spread very easily in dry grass.

Report wildfires by calling 310-FIRE (3473).

Fire Restriction wide-1

A fire restriction is in effect for the Fort McMurray Forest Area.

Under this restriction:

  • Existing fire permits are restricted, suspended or cancelled and no new fire permits will be issued.
  • Safe wood campfires within fire rings in campgrounds are allowed.

Prohibited on public lands, including backcountry and random camping areas:

  • All outdoor wood fires.
  • Fires fueled exclusively by charcoal briquettes.
  • The use of fireworks and exploding targets.

Allowed in designated campgrounds on private and public land, designated day use areas and on privately owned land:

  • Safe wood campfires.
  • Backyard fire pits, charcoal briquette barbeques.
  • Propane/natural gas-powered appliances CSA approved or UL certified.

Never leave a campfire unattended. Soak it, stir it and soak it again until cool to the touch to ensure it is extinguished.

If you see a wildfire, report it immediately by calling 310-FIRE.

The fire restriction will remain in effect until conditions improve.

310-FIRE  flames trees

Wildfire update

Since January 1, 2024, there have been 16 wildfires in the Fort McMurray Forest Area. They have all been extinguished, except for MWF010, which is being held.

There are currently two carryover wildfires from the 2023 season burning in the Fort McMurray Forest Area. Both of these wildfires are under control. They are being monitored by firefighters.

Jean Lake Complex (MXC001) is made up of two wildfires (HWF021 and MWF010), located near Birch Mountains. MWF010 is 7,976 hectares (ha) and HWF021 is 378 ha. Both are classified as being held and do not pose a threat to any community. 

These wildfires are in close proximity to each other and are being managed by the same incident management team (IMT) and resources. There are 80 wildland firefighters, 11 helicopters and heavy equipment working on this complex. 

For up-to-date information on the current wildfire situation, visit Alberta Wildfire Status.

Download the Alberta Wildfire App for Apple or Android.


Take wildfire prevention to new heights with our Wildfire Pledge Campaign!

Pledge today to reduce wildfires across the Fort McMurray Forest Area and you'll be entered to win an educational helicopter ride!

Take the pledge here:


Drones are not allowed to be flown within five nautical miles (or 9.3 kilometers) of a wildfire. If you fly a drone within this distance of a wildfire, it immediately halts aerial firefighting operations because it is not safe for aircraft to be flying with drones in the air. Interfering with wildfire control operations can land you a court appearance, for more information go to the Government of Alberta website.

For more information from Transport Canada about drones near wildfires, visit Transport Canada's website.

Exploding targets

The Forest and Prairie Protection Act and associated regulations legislates the use, discharge or detonation of exploding targets within the FPA of Alberta. Written permission to discharge or detonate is required under the act.

Alberta Peace Officers may issue warning or violation tickets under the act. Violators can be ticketed at $600. Individuals who knowingly contravene the act and start a wildfire can be further prosecuted in the courts.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police may also pursue additional charges under legislation that includes mischief or arson under the Criminal Code of Canada.


Provincial Information Officer

Phone: 780-420-1968





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Alberta Wildfire App for Apple or Android and Alberta Fire Bans App for Apple or Android.

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