Fort McMurray Area Update

Fort McMurray Forest Area Wildfire Update - May 8, 2023

Posted on Mon, May 08, 2023


Hot, dry conditions continue in most areas of the province resulting in numerous wildfires. A provincial state of emergency has been declared. Albertans who require assistance can call 310-4455 for wildfire related information.

The fire danger in the Fort McMurray Forest Area is EXTREME.

FIRE BAN is in effect for the entire Fort McMurray Forest Area, this includes the Fort McMurray service area. All outdoor wood fires are banned, including wood campfires on public lands, wood campfires on private land and provincial campgrounds

Dry grass can catch easily and burn quickly. Any spark, hot exhaust or friction can cause a wildfire. 

While we always appreciate people calling in to report wildfires, the large volume of calls we are currently receiving is diverting our resources away from other essential tasks. You can always visit to see where the smoke is coming from, and as always, please still call 310-FIRE if you see smoke or flame that looks new and potentially unreported, but assume that larger columns of smoke have already been detected. Thank you!

To see the forecasted fire danger click here, updates daily at 3:00 PM

If you see smoke or flame in the forest, call 310-FIRE (3473). 

Check your winter burns

Wildland firefighters are urging that important to check your winter burns to ensure the fire is completely extinguished. With dry conditions and gusting winds, it's possible for a winter burn to  re-emerging as an active wildfire. Even though it may not be showing any visible signs of activity, deep underground, there might still be an active fire burning.

MWF009 or MWF010 is not a threat to the surrounding communities at this time. Continue to stay informed by checking out the RMWB website or subscribing to Alberta Wildfire updates by entering your email.

Fire Ban wide


A fire ban and OHV restriction is in effect within the Forest Protection Area across Alberta due to extreme fire danger.

Under this fire ban:

  • All existing Fire Permits are suspended (or cancelled)
  • No new Fire Permits will be issued


  • All outdoor wood fires are banned, including wood campfires on public lands, wood campfires on private land and provincial campgrounds
  • Backyard firepits
  • BBQ charcoal briquettes
  • The use of fireworks and exploding targets
  • The recreational use of off-highway vehicles (OHV) on public lands, including designated OHV trails


  • Propane/natural gas-powered appliances
  • Open flame oil devices (e.g., turkey deep fryers, tiki torches)
  • Indoor wood fires contained within a device with a chimney and spark arrestor
  • All appliances must be CSA approved and used per manufacturer’s standards
  • Indigenous people when using an OHV for traditional purposes. Traditional purposes are hunting, fishing, and trapping – including the use of an OHV to travel to the location(s) for these purposes.
  • Essential industry-related activities requiring the use of OHVs.
  • Off-highway vehicle use is still permitted on private lands.
If you are caught not abiding by the rules outlined above, you can be issued a ticket or charged for the cost of fighting a wildfire. For more information on fire ban and OHV restriction enforcement, click here.

If you see a wildfire, report it immediately by calling 310-FIRE.

The fire ban and OHV restriction will remain in effect until conditions improve.



Since January 1, 2023 there have been 11 wildfires in the Fort McMurray Forest Area, burning a total of 38.43 hectares (ha). Eight wildfires are extinguished.

MWF009 was discovered on May 2nd and is approximately 16.10 ha in size. We have one firefighting crew and one helicopter responding to this wildfire. This wildfire is classified as being held and is located west of Milton's Lake, near Anzac. 

MWF010 was discovered on May 3rd and is approximately 18.70 hectare in size. We have one firefighting crew responding to this wildfire. This wildfire is classified as under control and is located approximately 40 km north of Fort McMurray, near Birch Mountain Lodge and south of Aostra road.

To view active wildfires across Alberta, click here.

Check out the RMWB website for additional information.


Since January 1, 2023 in the Forest Protection Area, there have been 381 wildfires burning a total of 121,909.93 ha.

Wildfire Dashboard


Since yesterday, some smoke has been visible from Fort McMurray and Anzac. This smoke is mainly from a wildfire in Saskatchewan. If you health related concerns due to the smoke, please call 811 for more information.

Below is an image from and the red dot shows where Fort McMurray is located.

if you'd like to see where smoke is coming from, check out

InkedScreenshot 2023-05-05 101258

(, May 5, 2023)


The wildfire dashboard provides up-to-date wildfire information at the click of a button. This interactive tool displays important statistics on the number of active wildfires in the Forest Protection Area of Alberta, sizes, locations, suspected causes and more.

The dashboard builds on the former wildfire status map by displaying the most frequently accessed information in one convenient location.


Michelle Huley
Acting Wildfire Information Officer | Fort McMurray Forest Area
Provincial Information Officer
Phone: 780-420-1968



Alberta Wildfire, Alberta Fire Bans, FireSmart in Alberta, Alberta Emergency Alerts, Air Quality Health Index
Wildfire Smoke and Your Health, 511 Road Reports, and Emergency Preparation.

Social Media:

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Alberta Wildfire App for Apple or Android and Alberta Fire Bans App for Apple or Android.