Edson Area Update

Rain keeps wildfire hazard LOW in the Edson Forest Area - July 15

Posted on Fri, Jul 15, 2016


Wildfire Hazard

Unstable weather conditions continue to bring scattered or frequent showers and risk of thunderstorms, keeping the wildfire hazard at LOW for the Edson Forest Area (EFA). 


Even though conditions are wet, wildfires can still start. Please continue to do your part to prevent wildfires this weekend.

For the latest wildfire information, download the Alberta Wildfire app for Apple or Android devices.

The Junior Forest Rangers have arrived!JFR_collage.jpg

The Edson Forest Area is hosting two Junior Forest Ranger (JFR) crews this year. One crew is staying at the Cache Percotte Forest just south of Hinton and the other crew is staying at our secondary fire base just south of Grande Cache.  

Make sure to check out the Jiffer Journal and the JFR Facebook page to find out what the crews are up to this summer.






Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. You can also subscribe to the Edson area blog and receive an email when new information is posted.

Questions/Concerns? contact:

Joan Simonton - Area Information Coordinator
Edson Forest Area
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
107, 111 - 54 Street
Edson, AB T7E 1T2
(780) 712-5846 cell joan.simonton@gov.ab.ca