Edson Area Update

Edson WMA hazard climbs to HIGH - July 20

Posted on Mon, Jul 20, 2015


Wildfire hazard

The wildfire hazard cimbs to HIGH in the Edson Wildfire Management Area (EWMA). Afternoon thunderstorms are forecasted to develop along the foothills with a risk of strong winds and hail with these storms. 

Please be cautious while out enjoying our forests and report wildfires immediately by calling 310-FIRE (3473).



The FIRE ADVISORY in the EWMA remains in effect but has been revised.

  • Fire permits for heavy fuels (machine piled brush piles, brush windrows and root piles or windrows) will not be issued until conditions improve.

  • Fire permits for burn barrels, smudges and hand piled woody debris will be issued. It's very important to check and follow the conditions of your permit.

  • Safe campfires are allowed in backyards, campgrounds, backcountry and random camping areas.

By abiding by the fire advisory you help keep our firefighters free to work on existing wildfires and to respond quickly to any new wildfires that may start.

Check www.albertafirebans.ca for up to date information on the fire advisory in EWMA as well as other jurisdictions.

EWMA Wildfires July 20

This past weekend firefighters responded to a powerline wildfire start and two human-caused wildfires. Two have been extinguished and one is under control at .01 hectares.

Since April 1, 2015 the Edson WMA has responded to 91 wildfires that have burned just under 14,000 hectares. There are currently seven active wildfires in the EWMA and all are under control. 

Here's a photo of one of our rappell crews from the Rockslide Creek wildfire-


Please remember to make sure your campfire is completely out before you turn in for the night and when you leave your campsite. Click here to learn how you can make sure your campfire is out.

For the latest wildfire information, download the Alberta Wildfire app for Apple or Android devices.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. You can also subscribe to the Edson area blog and receive an email when new information is posted.


Joan Simonton - Wildfire Information Officer
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
Edson Wildfire Management Area
780.712.5846    joan.simonton@gov.ab.ca




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