We ask that you use caution when you recreate or work in the outdoors and keep watch over your surroundings. Ensure you fully extinguish your campfire and never leave it unattended. If you suspect a wildfire, call 310-FIRE.
Spectacular view from Hamel lookout tower located near Grande Cache.
The wildfire danger in the Edson Forest Area is LOW. There are currently no active wildfires.
Since March 1, 2020, there have been 24 wildfires in the Edson Forest Area burning approximately 2.0 ha.
There are currently nine wildfires in the Forest Protection Area of Alberta. One of these is being held, four are under control and four have been turned over to the responsible parties.
Since March 1 in the Forest Protection Area, there have been 367 wildfires burning a total of 740.80 ha.
Fire Danger Rating: low becoming high in the northeastern corner of the province.
For more information on the current wildfire situation across the province of Alberta, visit wildfirestatus.alberta.ca
If you plan on burning within the Forest Protection Area, with the exception of a cooking or heating fire, you must contact your local forestry office to request a fire permit. You can click here for a listing of forestry offices near you. Why should you get a permit?
A permit helps us keep track of burning in the area, and more importantly, smoke and flame.
When lookout observers report smoke, fire fighters aren't dispatched unnecessarily when they could be needed elsewhere.
Getting a permit is a chance for a reminder of safe burning techniques.
To request a permit within the Edson Forest Area, call 780-723-8527.
Due to reduced wildfire hazard, advanced operational preparedness and favourable weather conditions in many areas of the province, the fire ban in the Forest Protection Area has now been revoked and a fire advisory has been put in place.
A fire advisory means Albertans in the Forest Protection Area can safely enjoy the use of a fire pit in their backyard, charcoal briquettes on a barbecue, or a safe campfire.
- safe wood campfires
- backyard fire pits
- charcoal briquette barbecues
- use of propane, natural gas or powered appliance
- catalytic or infrared-style heaters
- safe burning with a permit
- recreational off-highway vehicle use
- burning (excluding campfires) without a permit
- unattended or unsafe campfires
Permits may not be issued as usual under a fire advisory. These precautions were put in place as part of the COVID-19 pandemic response plan to avoid multiple disasters at a time when resources may be limited. Two hundred additional fire fighters were hired and are now trained and positioned to respond to new wildfire starts.
Restrictions can be phased back in as necessary to address wildfire risk area-by-area. We expect this fire advisory to reduce the number of human-caused wildfires, while allowing Albertans the freedom to enjoy the outdoors as much as possible. We will re-evaluate daily.
Stay tuned to www.albertafirebans.ca throughout the wildfire season for more information about fire bans and restrictions in the Forest Protection Area of Alberta.
- Get a permit if you're within the Forest Protection Area and you plan on burning with the exception of a campfire. For permit information, click here.
- Clear debris from hot spots on your off-highway vehicle.
- Ensure your campfire is out - Soak it, stir it, soak it again.
- Before you head out this weekend, check out the albertafirebans.ca website or download the app to stay informed.
For more information, please contact: