Edson Area Update

Edson Forest Area Wildfire Update - July 1, 2024 (7:00 p.m.)

Posted on Mon, Jul 01, 2024


An increased number of abandoned campfires have been found this month. Ensure you fully extinguish your campfire before leaving your site and never leave it unattended.

If you see smoke or flame in the forest and suspect it's a wildfire, call 310-FIRE (3473) to report it.

This update is best viewed on a web browser or the AB Wildfire Status App | View previous Edson Forest Area Updates. Bold indicates new or important information.


Alberta Wildfire, Yellowhead County and industry are currently responding to EWF060 10 km west of Edson. (July 1, 2024)


EWF060 is currently burning OUT OF CONTROL 10 km west of Edson, north of highway 16. The wildfire was caused by a facility incident and estimated to be 3.0 ha in size. Alberta Wildfire is responding with industry and Yellowhead County. There are 26 firefighters, three water trucks and one helicopter assisting in containing the wildfire. There are no communities threatened at this time. Firefighters are making good progress containing the wildfire.

Highway 16 was temporarily closed. To get up-to-date information on road closures, visit Alberta511.

Incident in Central Yellowhead County at Range Road 185.
July 1, 2024, 5:00 PM UPDATE
Yellowhead County Fire responded to a call for assistance for a reported structural fire near Range Road 185 and Highway 16 in Yellowhead County. On arrival, it was determined that there was a gas metering station involved. 
*There has been no direct damage reported with nearby pipelines.*
Yellowhead County is on scene and working with FortisAlberta, TransMountain Pipeline, Atco Gas, AltaLink, Alberta Forestry and the RCMP.
Yellowhead County will post updates at yhcounty.ca and the Yellowhead County Facebook page.



EWF060 is mostly burning in wet marshy grass and some treed areas and firefighters are making good progress containing the wildfire (July 1, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.)


The wildfire danger in the Edson Forest Area is now LOW. This means that the fire can still ignite but is not expected to spread to deeper vegetation layers or larger fuels, such as trees. Fire danger is a relative index depicting forest environment conditions, how a fire will behave and how much damage a fire could do. To view the forecasted fire danger map, click here.

Since January 1, 2024, there have been 60 wildfires in the Edson Forest Area burning a total of 85.79 hectares (ha).

Alberta investigates all wildfires. Of the 60 wildfires this year, nine have been caused by residents working or burning on their property, five have been caused by recreation activities, five by powerlines and three by agricultural activities. The rest remain under investigation or caused by similar industries and land users.

The area has detected an increase in abandoned campfires this month. Please make sure you fully extinguish your campfire and do not leave it unattended. The recent precipitation this spring has not been significant enough to prevent wildfires from spreading. Soak your campfire, stir the ashes and soak it again until the ashes are cool to the touch.

It's important to understand that wildfires caused by humans are rarely arson and anyone could accidently cause a wildfire. Keep watch of your surroundings when working and recreating outdoors and keep the risk of causing a wildfire to a minimum. 

To learn more about wildfire classifications, click here.

Visit our website and click on the interactive map to view active wildfires, their locations and stats on the wildfire dashboard


The fire danger is high to extreme in the northern part of the province. It is moderate to high in the central boreal and the agricultural zone, with pockets of low fire danger. The fire danger is low along the Rocky Mountains.

Since January 1, 2024 in the Forest Protection Area of Alberta, there have been 511 wildfires burning a total of 33,183 ha.

Last year, on this date, there was 769 wildfires that burnt a total of 1,988,237 ha. In the past 5 years on this date, an average of 594 wildfires had burnt an average of 569,309 ha.


All burning within the Forest Protection Area of Alberta requires a burn permit, with the exception of campfire. You can get your free fire permit by applying online or contact your local forest area office at (780) 723-8527 or you can request your permit using the online fire permit portal.

If you plan to light fireworks or use exploding targets, you must have written permission from a forest officer. Apply for your free fire permit online or contact the forest area office. Additional restrictions may be in place within your municipality. To learn more, visit their website.


FireSmart is a national program that helps Canadians increase their resilience to wildfire. Whether you are a homeowner, resident, business, local government, or Indigenous community, you can take small steps with lasting impacts.  

Homes and buildings ignite because of the materials, condition, and everything that surrounds them. The area within 30 metres of the home is called the Home Ignition Zone (HIZ). Within it are three priority areas, each requiring specific actions. Start by reducing your risk in the Immediate Zone and work your way outward.


To learn more on how you can protect your home, visit FireSmart Alberta. For farm or acreages, you can download the Farm and Acreage FireSmart magazine.


Albertans are always asked to use caution when working or recreating in the outdoors:



For more information, please contact:

Caroline Charbonneau, RPFT
Alberta Forestry & Parks | AB Wildfire
Wildfire Information Officer | Edson Forest Area
Cell:  780-740-1341
Caroline Button High Qua
Terry Abu Al-Soud
Alberta Forestry & Parks | AB Wildfire
Seasonal Wildfire Information Officer | Edson Forest Area