Whitecourt Area Update

Wildfire Update Whitecourt Forest Area - July 9, 2018

Posted on Fri, Jul 06, 2018



The wildfire danger to moderate for the Whitecourt Forest Area, due to warmer temperatures, and the high probability of lightning. Although a wildfire will not start easily, it is always important to prepare, watch, and extinguish all fires, including campfires.

Thunderstorms producing lightning are moving through the are, if you see smoke in the forest, call 310-FIRE (3473).

Image: Scattered thundershowers in the Whitecourt Forest Area

WILDFIRE SITUATION | July 9, 2018, at 10:00 a.m.

Whitecourt Forest Area
  • Since March 1, 2018, there have been 45 wildfires; with a total area burnt of 12.30 hectares.

Province of Alberta
  • There are 25 wildfires in the Forest Protection Area of Alberta.
    • Current wildfire status2 wildfires are being held, 18 are under control and 5 have been turned over to the responsible party.
  • Since March 1, 2018, Alberta has recorded 903 wildfires in the Forest Protection Area; with a total area burnt of 39,970.49 hectares.

For more information on wildfires across the Forest Protection Area of Alberta, visit:  wildfirestatus.alberta.ca.


  • Clean your off-highway vehicle before, during and after your ride. Learn more.

  • Never leave your campfire unattended, and when finished, soak it, stir it, and soak it again. Learn more.

    Safe campfire

Before you go camping, or taking a vehicle off-road, find out about fire advisories, restrictions, bans, and off-highway vehicle restrictions at Albertafirebans.ca, or on the Alberta Fire Bans app for Android or Apple devices. 


Free fire permits are required for any burning (except campfires) within the Forest Protection Area of Alberta. Permits help firefighters know where planned burning is taking place, leaving them ready to respond to new wildfires.

If you need a fire permit in the Whitecourt Forest Area, call 780-778-7272.


If you burn without a permit, or outside of the permit conditions, your fire is a wildfire. Learn about violation tickets for burning without a permit.


FireSmart Community Series 2018 – Working Towards a Resilient Alberta

FireSmart is living with, and managing for wildfire on our landscape. Find out more about FireSmart through the printable homeowners manualassessment guide, or at firesmartcanada.ca.



  • Join the conversation:  facebook.jpg  twitter.jpg  instagram.jpg 

Unless conditions change, your next wildfire update will be July 13, 2018, at 2:00 p.m.
Shannon Stamabugh
Wildfire Information Officer
Phone: 780.706.5336