Slave Lake Area Update

Slave Lake Forest Area Wildfire Update April 9th

Posted on Thu, Apr 09, 2020


Wildfire Update

The wildfire danger in the Slave Lake Forest Area is LOW. 

Since the start of the 2020 wildfire season, zero wildfires have been recorded in the Slave Lake Forest Area.

The McMillan Wildfire which occurred during the 2019 wildfire season, remains under control and will be infrared scanned this spring.

For information on the current wildfire situation across the province of Alberta click here.

Fire Permits

Fire permits are required for any type of burning in the Forest Protection Area. A fire permit is not required for a cooking or warming fire.

To request your free fire permit call your local Alberta Agriculture and Forestry Office.

  • Slave Lake/Red Earth/Peerless/Trout 780-849-7377
  • Wabasca 780-891-3860
  • High Prairie 780-523-6619

Winter Burning

Fires lit in the winter can smoulder under the snow and emerge as a wildfire in the spring when conditions are warm and dry. Do your part to prevent wildfires by ensuring your winter burn piles are extinguished.

When checking your winter burns, spread around any remaining debris so you can probe the area for hotspots. Use your bare hand to feel for heat over the ash piles. If you see smoke or feel heat, the fire is still burning. Douse any remaining hotspots with water and stir up the ashes. A fire is not out until there is absolutely no heat emanating from the ashes.

If you have conducted burning this winter in the Slave Lake Forest Area, please report all your burn locations by calling 780-849-7457. 

Unless conditions change your next update will be April 17th. 

If you have any questions please contact:

Leah Lovequist

Wildfire Information Officer

Mobile: 780-849-0945



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