Slave Lake Area Update

Slave Lake Forest Area Wildfire Update - March 23

Posted on Fri, Mar 23, 2018


Wildfire danger

The wildfire danger for the Slave Lake Forest Area is LOW


Wildfire situation as of March 23rd 5:00 pm

On March 5th, an abandoned campfire was discovered by Alberta Agriculture and Forestry staff working in the Flat Top area, just south of Slave Lake.

Firefighters extinguished the smouldering campfire and would like to remind everyone that even with snow on the ground it is important to put out your campfire.

A campfire left smouldering can burn deep into the ground and re-emerge as a wildfire when the temperatures get warmer and dead dry grass is exposed.

If you are having a campfire remember to soak your fire, stir the ashes and soak it again until the ashes are cool to the touch.    

Click here for information on the wildfire situation across the province of Alberta.


Fire permits are required

Fire permits are required for any burning in the Forest Protection Area. A campfire does not require a fire permit.

To request a free fire permit contact your local Alberta Agriculture and Forestry Office.

Slave Lake/Red Earth/Trout/Peerless 780-849-7377

Wabasca 780-891-3860

High Prairie 780-523-6619

Fire permits help us to track what is burning on the landscape. If you're burning without a fire permit or outside fire permit conditions, your fire is considered a wildfire. By getting a fire permit you help keep our firefighters free to fight real wildfires instead of responding to the smoke in your backyard. 


Go back and check you winter burns

If you have conducted brush pile or windrow burning this winter, go back and make sure it's out. A fire left smouldering can burn under the snow all winter long and re-emerge as a wildfire in the spring when conditions are dry and windy. 

To check your winter burn, use a metal rod to probe the ash pile. If the metal rod is hot to the touch, your fire is still burning. To extinguish the ash pile soak it with water and stir it up. A fire is not extinguished until the ashes are cool to the touch.

Report all your winter burn locations to Slave Lake Forest Area Wildfire Technologist Russell Murphy by calling 780-849-7457. 

Keep up to date on the wildfire situation by subscribing to the Slave Lake Forest Area wildfire update  or download the free Alberta Wildfire app for Apple or Android devices. 

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Unless conditions change, you can expect your next wildfire update on March 29th, 2018.
If you have any questions please contact

Leah Lovequist

Wildfire Information Officer

Mobile: 780-849-0945


Report Wildfires 310-FIRE (3473)