Check your winter burns
Please check your winter burns and ensure they're fully extinguished. If your fire isn't fully extinguished, it can smolder underground for months and resurface as a wildfire in the spring.
Spread out the remaining materials within the pile. Soak the area and ensure both heat and smoke are no longer being produced by the pile. It should be cool to the touch.
Always use caution when burning, no matter the fire danger. If you see smoke or flame in the forest and don't believe it's part of a control program, report it by calling 310-FIRE (3473).
Burn it with a permit
Alberta's wildfire season begins March 1st and is effective until October 31st. You must obtain a fire permit if you plan on burning in the Forest Protection Area, with the exception of a campfire.
Some of the reasons you require a permit:
- Helps keep track of burning, more importantly, smoke and flame.
- When lookout observers report a smoke, fire fighters aren't dispatched unnecessarily when they could be needed elsewhere.
- Allows for opportunities to give tips on safe burning techniques.
To obtain your free fire permit, contact your local Alberta Agriculture and Forestry office or phone toll-free 310-0000 to locate your nearest office.
Great News!
Wildfire Community Preparedness Day 2019
Applications are ready - Apply for a $500 award to help your community work towards becoming FireSmart.
- Organize a Clean-up Day
- Host a Workshop
- Raise Awareness
Applications accepted from January 15th - March 9th.
To get started on your community application, visit the website by clicking here.
You May See Smoke and Flame in the Forest.
Industry as well as government hired contractors are currently doing Mountain Pine Beetle (MPB) control in the forest for the next month.
For more information on MPB, you can visit our website by clicking here.
Planning on Cutting Your Own Firewood?
Visit the Agriculture and Forestry website or your local Forestry office and use our self serve kiosk to purchase your TM66 permit.
Wildfire EWF121 was detected on December 14th approximately 14 km's E-NE of Cadomin, Alberta and 10 km's S-SW of Mercoal and remains UNDER CONTROL. The size has been updated to 398 hectares.
No additional hot spots or fire activity has been observed over the last several weeks. Until significant snow blankets the fire, Agriculture and Forestry will continue to monitor.
Industry and Agriculture and Forestry are working cooperatively until the fire is classified as extinguished.
To date, 2 dozers, 2 excavators, 1 grader and 1 helicopter has been used to work on this fire.
(C): 780.740.1341