The wildfire danger for the Grande Prairie Forest Area is now MODERATE. High wind can cause extreme fire behavior and allow fires to grow rapidly.
Check winter burn sites for possible hold-over fires. Improperly extinguished fires can flash back to life, especially during a wind event. Spread out remaining ash and probe the area for hot spots. Using your hand, feel for heat over the ash pile. If you see smoke or feel heat, the fire is still burning beneath the surface. Drench any remaining hot spots with water and stir up the ashes.
Wildfire Situation
Since March 1, 2021 there have been 24 wildfires burning 52.5 hectares in the Grande Prairie Forest Area. Of these fires, 22 wildfires have been extinguished, one is under control and one listed as turned over to the responsible party. For more information on the current wildfire situation across the province of Alberta, visit
Hazard Reduction Burning
The Sturgeon Lake Fire Department and Agriculture and Forestry hazard reduction burning is complete. This has been another successful year of hazard reduction burning for the community of Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation. All involved worked hard to reduce the risk of man-caused fires by removing 59 hectares of fine fuel loading along ditches, open fields and other recreation areas.
Fire permits
Download the new app today and get access to accurate, real-time information on wildfires in your area. You can also find information on fire advisories, restrictions and bans across the province and much more. Available for Apple and Android.
Unless conditions change, you can expect the next update on May 6, 2021.
For more information
Kelly Burke | Wildfire Information Officer
(780) 832-7235
Phone: 1-866-394-3473