The wildfire danger for the Grande Prairie Forest Area is VERY HIGH.
The forecasted weather calls for gusty west winds at 20km/h with some up to 35km/h ahead of an approaching cold front. The risk of thunderstorms and lightning has increased the risk of more wildfires in the days to come as holdover fires and new lightning strikes are expected. A fire started in these conditions could result in a large hard to control wildfire.
Wildfire Situation
GWF071 located 12 kilometers southwest of Grovedale was detected by our Bald MT lookout observer at 0.18 hectares. Early detection and quick action of firefighters were able to stop the fire from spreading. There are 2 firefighters and 1 helicopter working to extinguish this fire.
There are five active wildfires in the Grande Prairie Forest Area. Of these fires, two are classified as Being Held (BH) and three are Under Control (UC).
Since March 1, 2021 there have been 72 wildfires burning over 65 hectares in the Grande Prairie Forest Area. For more information on the current wildfire situation across the province of Alberta visit
A FIRE RESTRICTION is in place for Grande Prairie Forest due to hot and dry conditions, which will increase the fire danger. The fire restriction will remain in effect until conditions improve or change.
Under this restriction:
- Existing fire permits are suspended;
- All outdoor fires presently burning under permit must be extinguished, unless approved to continue by a Forest Officer;
- Safe wood campfires within fire rings in campgrounds and backyard fire pits are allowed.
- Wood campfires on public land
- Fireworks and exploding targets
- Wood campfires on private land
- Wood campfires within provincial campgrounds in a designated campfire ring
- Backyard fire pits on private land
- Charcoal briquette barbeques
- Propane or natural gas fueled appliances
- Indoor wood fires
- Open flame oil devices
Where campfires are allowed, it is important that they are completely extinguished. Be prepared with plenty of water to soak it , stir it, feel for heat, and repeat until the area is cold to the touch. Never leave a fire unattended, you can be held liable for suppression costs if the campfire becomes a wildfire. During times of elevated fire danger, a campfire is not encouraged.
All permits are suspended including burn barrels. No new fire permits will be issued until conditions change.
Check Alberta Fire Bans for the most up to date information on advisories, restrictions and bans in your area. Anyone living outside the FPA can contact their municipality for information about local fire permit requirements.
From March 1st until October 31st, fire permits are required for any burning except campfires in the Forest Protection Area (FPA).
County West / Grovedale - (780) 814-1648
Spirit River – (780) 814-1983
Valleyview – (780) 524-6576
Kelly Burke | Wildfire Information Officer
(780) 832 7235
Phone: 1-866-394-3473