Grande Prairie Area Update

Grande Prairie Forest Area Wildfire Update - October 13, 2021

Posted on Wed, Oct 13, 2021

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Frost killed grass and dry forest fuels are becoming abundant. If you are doing fall clean up around your yard this week and want to burn debris, don't forget to get a fire permit and burn safely. Caution is recommended when hunting, riding OHVs or otherwise recreating in the forest. Please supervise and extinguish all fires completely and call 310-FIRE to report wildfires.

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Wildfire Situation

Since March 1, 2021 there have been 102 wildfires burning nearly 133 ha in the Grande Prairie Forest Area. Provincially in the Forest Protection Area of Alberta, there have been 1,285 wildfires, burning a total of 52,963.08 ha. For a map and more information on the current wildfire situation across the province of Alberta visit 

Fire Permits

Until October 31st, fire permits are required for any type of burning in the Forest Protection Area. The only exception is for a cooking or warming campfire. Burning is not permitted during windy conditions. Remember you must evaluate the weather at your specific location. Get a permit and follow the conditions. You can be held responsible if a fire escapes the burn permit area. Call your local Alberta Agriculture and Forestry office to request your free fire permit.

County West / Grovedale - (780) 814-1648 

Spirit River – (780) 814-1983 

Valleyview – (780) 524-6576

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What Can You Do To Prevent Wildfires 

  • When travelling on an off high-way vehicle, Stop regularly and check around the exhaust and wheel wells for any buildup of flammable material, especially after passing through areas of abundant dried grass.
  • Debris can build up and begin to burn slowly with no flame. This smouldering debris will start to smoke and fall to the ground, potentially igniting a wildfire as you ride away.
  • Always carrying firefighting equipment such as a shovel, an axe, and a receptacle of at least 5 litters of water. If you see a wildfire call #310FIRE on your cellular device to report.

Firebans Poster

For more information:

Kelly Burke | Wildfire Information Officer

(780) 832 7235

Phone: 1-866-394-3473


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