Wildfire Update
The wildfire danger in the Fort McMurray Forest Area remains LOW. In Alberta, we traditionally see the highest wildfire danger in mid-April through the end of May, before vegetation has started growing. In the past 5 years human-caused wildfires accounted for 30% of starts, and 70% of hectares burned in the Fort McMurray forest area. These fires are 100% preventable.
Fire Ban and OHV Restriction
Introducing a fire ban and OHV Restriction at this time is expected to reduce the number of human-caused wildfires in Alberta, allowing our firefighting resources to be focused where they are most needed. Resources may be challenged due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here for the latest information on the current wildfire situation across the province.
All fire permits are suspended and no new fire permits will be issued. Some allowances can be made for essential agricultural and industrial burning, but will need to be approved by a forest officer.
What is an OHV?
Anyone found to be non-compliant of the fire ban may receive a violation ticket of $600 and non-compliant with the OHV restriction, a violation ticket of $1200.
The OHV restriction does not apply to private land or agriculture, institutional (educational), commercial/ industrial, emergency response or Indigenous peoples who use OHV for traditional use.
For more information visit Alberta Fire Bans.
If you suspect a wildfire, please report it to 310 FIRE
The Fort McMurray Forest Area office is currently closed to the public. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 780-743-7125.
Fort McMurray area contacts:
Inside the Urban Service Area contact: Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo 780-743-7000 or
Outside the Urban Service Area contact: Alberta Forestry at 780-743-7125
Lynn Daina, Information Officer
780-799-9253 - lynn.daina@gov.ab.ca