Winter Burning
Although fire permits are no longer required you are expected to burn responsibly. Our firefighters will still respond to reports of smoke and wildfires. If you are conducting brush pile or windrow burning this winter please follow these safe burning practices and report your winter burns to the Edson Forest Area dispatch at 780-723-8506.
Mountain Pine Beetle control burns
One of the methods we use to control Mountain Pine Beetle from spreading is to cut and burn infested trees. Over the next couple of months you may see more burn piles and smoke than you're used to seeing during the winter. Crews will be working across the Edson Forest Area and especially in the Hinton area.
Safety first. Burning will only commence when the forecasted weather and on-the-ground conditions allow for a safe, controlled burn.
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Joan Simonton - Area Information Coordinator
Edson Forest Area
mobile (780) 712-5846