Never leave your cooking or warming fire unattended and always ensure you fully extinguish it. Soak the ashes, stir them and soak them again until they're cool to the touch.
Use extra caution when working near cured grass and dry vegetation. These fuels could catch easily and burn very quickly. Clear your hotspots on your harvesting equipment and off-highway vehicles.
If you see smoke or flame in the forest and suspect it's a wildfire, call 310-FIRE.
This update is best viewed on a web browser or the AB Wildfire Status App | View previous Edson Forest Area Updates. Bold indicates new or important information.
Are you interested in working with us next summer? Visit our website to learn more!
The wildfire danger in the Edson Forest Area is now LOW. This means that a fire can still ignite but is not expected to spread to deeper vegetation layers or larger fuels, such as trees. View the forecasted fire danger map.
Since January 1, 2024, there have been 114 wildfires in the Edson Forest Area burning a total of 290.57 ha.
Learn more about wildfire classifications on our website and view active wildfires, their locations and stats on the interactive map on our wildfire status page.
These statistics are consistent with the average number of wildfires and hectares burnt for our forest area and reflect the proactive approaches to wildfire prevention and safe burning practices of residents and industry. Respecting fire bans and restrictions, following fire permit conditions and using care when having a campfire all contributed to reducing human-caused wildfires.
We're currently accepting applications for seasonal wildfire firefighters. Visit our recruitment webpage to to apply. You can also visit our website to learn more about positions we have to offer.
Personal Use Forest Products Permits are for small-scale personal use only (no resale) for Christmas trees, firewood or transplants. These free permits are available online or in person at your nearest forestry office. PUFPPs authorize Albertans to cut and removed timber from designated Crown land only. The area-specific PUFPP document must be with you at all times while cutting or transporting trees from Crown land. In one 30-day period, a person can hold up to 4 permits – up to one permit each for: firewood. Christmas trees, roundwood and transplants.
All burning within the Forest Protection Area of Alberta requires a burn permit, with the exception of campfires during fire season, which ends on October 31. You can get your free fire permit by applying online or contact your local forest area office at (780) 723-8527 or you can request your permit using the online fire permit portal.
FireSmart is a national program that helps Canadians increase their resilience to wildfire. Whether you are a homeowner, resident, business, local government, or Indigenous community, you can take small steps with lasting impacts.
Now that fall is quickly approaching, we ask farm and acreage owners to start thinking about FireSmart options for their property. Here are some tips to get you started:
Mow the grass. If you only have the time to do one thing to safeguard your home or property from wildfire, you should mow your grass! Short grass helps slow down fast-moving grass fires. By keeping the grass short around your house, outbuildings and gas tanks, you will help protect against the spread of wildfire. You can even use livestock to graze around outbuildings to keep the grass trimmed.
It's never too late to participate. Learn how you can FireSmart your home and property! Visit FireSmart Alberta. For farm or acreages, you can download the Farm and Acreage FireSmart magazine.
Albertans are always asked to use caution when working or recreating in the outdoors:
- Before you burn it, get your fire permit. Fire permits in Alberta.
- Clear debris from hot spots on your off-highway vehicle.
- Ensure your campfire is out - soak it, stir it, soak it again.
- Before you head out this weekend, check out the website or download the app to stay informed.
- If you are working within the Forest Protection of Alberta, you must carry sufficient firefighting equipment as per the Forest Prairie and Protection Act.
- For road closure information, please visit
- For information regarding smoke in the area, you can visit
- NASA FIRMS Fire Information website is a great resource to give an idea of the location of wildfires in the area, but note that the data is based on interpolation and often can make the wildfire look larger then it actually is.
- Subscribe to the Edson Forest Area wildfire update to receive an email when new information is posted.
- Download the Alberta Wildfire App for Apple and Android device.
- Join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
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