Edson Area Update

Edson Forest Area - Wildfire Update - October 21, 2019

Written by Caroline Charbonneau | Oct 21, 2019 5:05:28 PM


The wildfire danger in the Edson Forest Area is LOW. Always extinguish your campfire and never leave it unattended.  If you see smoke or flame in the forest, call 310-FIRE.

Rainfall and cool temperatures will keep the Wildfire Danger at LOW in the Edson Forest Area, we ask that you use extreme caution at all times when working and recreating in the outdoors.

Remember to always fully extinguish your campfire and never leave it unattended.  Knock the hotspots off your OHV and if you see smoke or flame in the forest, report it to 310-FIRE (3473).


The Edson Forest Area (EFA) currently has 0 active wildfires.

Since March 1, 2019, there have been 61 wildfires in the EFA which has burnt approximately 265 ha.  To view the provincial wildfire map, visit our website by clicking here.


With winter fast approaching, land owners and developers may be planning on clearing land before the snow settles.  

Brush piles and windrows are commonly used to burn woody debris from land clearing for agricultural and development purposes.  Alberta Wildfire can advise you on how to construct your burn site so it meets the guidelines for safe burning practices required for your fire permit.

Safe Burning Tips

  • Never leave your fire unattended.
  • Only burn what you can control and follow the conditions of your permit.
  • Watch for sparks that may result in smaller fires.  Larger fires can send these sparks over several kilometers, especially when burning in the wind.
  • If winds are gusting over 15 km/hour or beyond your permit limit, immediately extinguish your fire.
  • Always have the tools available to put out any spot fires that may occur.

You can refer to the Brush Piles and Windrows Pamphlet for more information and safe burning practices.


Alberta's wildfire season begins March 1st and is effective until October 31st.  During fire season, you must obtain a fire permit if you plan on burning in the Forest Protection Area, with the exception of a campfire.

Some of the reasons you require a permit:

  • Helps keep track of burning, more importantly, smoke and flame.
  • When lookout observers report a smoke, fire fighters aren't dispatched unnecessarily when they could be needed elsewhere.
  • Allows opportunities to give tips on safe burning techniques.

To obtain your free fire permit, contact your local Alberta Agriculture and Forestry office or phone toll-free 310-0000 to locate your nearest office.


Even with cooler temperatures and potential snow on the ground, wildfires are still a concern.  If you're having a campfire this hunting season, please make sure you follow these safe campfire tips:

  • Ensure you check under the snow, chose a hard packed site. Gravel or sandy soils are best.
  • Keep your campfire small and out of the wind.
  • Avoid vegetation like tall grass and low laying branches.

Campfires can smolder in the ground for days, even weeks.  Warmer temperatures and wind can flare a smoldering campfire, causing a wildfire.  Always make sure your campfire is fully extinguished. Soak it, stir it and soak it again!


Since March 1, 2019, Alberta has recorded 982 wildfires in the Forest Protection Area of Alberta that have burned a total of 883,411.84 hectares.

Fire Danger Rating: Low across the province.

For more information on the current wildfire situation across the province of Alberta, visit wildfirestatus.alberta.ca


Albertans are always asked to use caution when out working or enjoying the forest.


For more information, contact:
Caroline Charbonneau
Wildfire Information Officer
Edson Forest Area
(C): 780-740-1341
(E): caroline.charbonneau@gov.ab.ca