Whitecourt Area Update

Avoid a False Alarm | Whitecourt Forest Area

Posted on Tue, Mar 22, 2016


Fire Permits

Help firefighters by getting a fire permit. Avoid a false alarm and make sure firefighters are where they are needed, not in your backyard.

A fire permit is required for any burning (except campfires) within the Forest Protection Area. If you are in the Whitecourt Forest Area, and you want to do some burning, get started today by calling: 780-778-7272.



Photo: Fire permit being issued by Agriculture and Forestry staff.


Wildfire Hazard 

The spring wildfire hazard is here in the Whitecourt Forest Area. Snow continues to melt, exposing dry grasses and branches on the ground. This fine material catches fire quickly and will spread fast - increasing the risk of a wildfire. If you see smoke in the forest call 310-FIRE.


Every Fire Counts...

Please go back and check your burn sites (including campfires) now to make sure they were properly put out. A fire can burn silently underground and when the conditions are right, it can spring back to life, starting a wildfire. 

When you get to the burn site:

  • Roll woody material over, probe both it and the ground. You are searching for smoldering material, smoke or heat. Use your bare hand to check for heat.
  • Be thorough and walk around the entire burn site.
  • If you find hot areas in the ground, or wood that is still smoldering, stop. Soak it ,stir it and soak it again. If it is in the ground, dig into the soil and repeat until there is no heat. 


Photo: Winter burn site, February 2016.


We Want to Hear From You! 

Alberta Agriculture and Forestry’s Wildfire Management Branch is seeking input on proposed amendments to the Forest and Prairie Protection Act and associated regulations. You do not need to be familiar with the legislation and regulations to complete the survey; closing date is Friday, April 15, 2016.

Survey:  https://extranet.gov.ab.ca/opinio6//s?s=27402


Unless conditions change, you can expect your next update on April 4, 2016.

Laura Stewart | Wildfire Information Officer
email: Laura.A.Stewart@gov.ab.ca
mobile: 587.985.2090

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