Whitecourt Forest Area - March 21, 2025 - 3:00 pm
The wildfire danger across the Whitecourt Forest Area remains low, but is likely to climb over the coming weeks. The forecast is once again calling for warm daytime temperatures with low likelihood of precipitation. As these warm conditions continue to melt the snow, large areas of dead and dry grass will be exposed. These areas present an increased risk as they can support fast moving wildfires, particularly on warm and windy days.
Get your fire permit
As of March 1, fire permits are required for all burning within the Forest Protection Area, with the exception of campfires. Visit our website to get a fire permit. If you require assistance, contact the Whitecourt Forest Area office at 780-778-7153 from 8:15 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday. Keep in mind that there may be a slight delay in getting your fire permit due to the high demand at the beginning of the fire season. We thank you for your patience.
Check your winter burns
When revisiting your winter burn site, you should:
- Douse the area with water to fully extinguish the burn site and stir up the ashes with heavy equipment or hand tools.
- Spread the remaining ashes and debris.
- Check the ground for any hot spots with your bare hands and feel deep below the surface for any lingering heat in the ground.
- Ensure the area is cold to the touch - only then is the fire fully extinguished.
Learn more about brush pile and windrow safe burning practices.
Published on March 21, 2025 2:47 pm
Wildfire season runs March 1 – October 31.
From March 1 to October 31, all burning activities in the Forest Protection Area, excluding campfires, require a fire permit.
Prevent wildfires by checking on winter burn sites. Winter burns can smoulder underground and often reignite in the spring. Extinguish a fire by soaking it, stirring it, and soaking it again.
Contact info
Colby Lachance