Rocky Mountain House Area Update

Rocky Forest Area - Wildfire Update - September 20, 2018

Posted on Thu, Sep 20, 2018


WILDFIRE SITUATION - Rocky Forest Area   |   September 20, 2018   |   3:30 pm

Rocky Forest Area Situation
  • Since March 1, there have been 56 wildfires in the Rocky Forest Area that have burned a total of 3,140.63 hectares.

Provincial Situation

  • there are currently 12 wildfires in the Forest Protection Area of Alberta. 9 are under control and 3 have been turned over to the responsible parties. 
  • Since March 1, 2018, Alberta has recorded 1,225 wildfires in the Forest Protection Area that have burned a total of 59,787.43 hectares. 

prevent wildfires

Remember to do your part to prevent fall wildfires. If you are having a campfire, ensure it's completely extinguished before leaving it. Soak it, stir the ashes, then soak them again. 

Alberta Emergency Alerts

  • Alberta Emergency Alerts provide you with critical information about immediate disasters, where it is occurring and what action you need to take. You can visit their website here or download the Alberta Emergency Alert app to stay up-to-date and in the the know. 

Wildfire Information Officer




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