Part of Wildfire status
Wildfire update

Lac La Biche Forest Area

Current information on wildfire conditions within the Lac La Biche Forest Area.

Lac La Biche Forest Area - March 21, 2025

Low wildfire danger

The wildfire danger in the Lac La Biche Forest Area is now low. 

Wildfire danger will increase as the snow melts and dry vegetation is exposed. We are prepared to respond to any new wildfires.

Report wildfires immediately by calling 310-FIRE(3473).

Wildfire situation

Since January 1, 2025, there have been three wildfires in the Lac La Biche Forest Area. 
LWF003 is currently labeled as under control.

View active wildfires, their locations and statistics on the interactive map on our Wildfire Status page.

Start of wildfire season

Alberta’s wildfire season began on March 1st. This means that fire permits are now required for burning within the Forest Protection Area, except campfires.

Fire permits are free and can be requested online. You may also request your fire permit by calling the Lac La Biche Forest Area office at 780-623-5388.

Stay informed of fire restrictions and fire bans in your area by checking Alberta Fire Bans.

Revisit winter burn sites


To prevent spring wildfires, revisit your brush pile or windrow burning projects to ensure all hot spots are extinguished.

  • Spread out the remaining material.
  • Soak the area and ensure there is no heat or smoke.
  • Check your burn site multiple times in the coming weeks to ensure it has not reignited.


Your actions today can minimize wildfire damage to your home and property tomorrow. Visit FireSmart Alberta to learn how taking proactive FireSmart measures around your house and yard can increase your property's resistance to wildfire.

Download the Farm and Acreage Guide to Reducing the Risk From Wildfire for additional information.

Published on March 21, 2025 9:14 am

Wildfire season runs March 1 – October 31.

From March 1 to October 31, all burning activities in the Forest Protection Area, excluding campfires, require a fire permit.

Prevent wildfires by checking on winter burn sites.  Winter burns can smoulder underground and often reignite in the spring. Extinguish a fire by soaking it, stirring it, and soaking it again.