Calgary Forest Area - March 20, 2025
The wildfire danger across the Calgary Forest Area (CFA) remains low, but is likely to climb over the coming week. The forecast is once again calling for warm daytime temperatures with low likelihood of precipitation. As these warm conditions continue to melt the snow, large areas of dead and dry grass will be exposed. These areas present an increased risk as they can support fast moving wildfires, particularly on warm and windy days.
2025 Wildfire season preparations
A group of wildland firefighters completed the fitness test and onboarded this week. They are now completing recertifications, attending new training and gathering essential gear for the season. Over the coming weeks, many more firefighters and important support staff will be joining the CFA. Facilities such as camps and wildfire lookouts will begin opening to support wildfire operations.

Wildfires in the CFA
There are currently no active wildfires in the CFA.
Since January 1, the CFA has responded to 10 wildfires which have burned 26.34 hectares.
Fire permits required
A reminder that fire permits are now required for any burning, except campfires, in the Forest Protection Area of Alberta. Fire permits are free and can be requested from the Calgary Forest Area main office by calling 403-297-8800 or online. To request a fire permit online, visit our fire permit webpage.
Published on March 20, 2025 8:13 am
Wildfire season runs March 1 – October 31.
From March 1 to October 31, all burning activities in the Forest Protection Area, excluding campfires, require a fire permit.
Prevent wildfires by checking on winter burn sites. Winter burns can smoulder underground and often reignite in the spring. Extinguish a fire by soaking it, stirring it, and soaking it again.
Contact info
Anastasia Drummond